Not by human power but by…


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven… He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all nations and peoples of every language worshiped him.” (Daniel 7:13-14)
This is only a small part of Daniel’s visions of beasts, rams and goats.
But it is the part that Daniel needs to hang on to, even if much of it is unclear it him.
The creatures in the vision represent evil rulers, each one worse than before.
The final beast in each vision is the culmination of evil, and will rule a long time.
But as bad and hard as it gets, know that it is not forever.
“(The evil creature) will be destroyed, but not by human power.” (Daniel 8:25)
As Jesus followers we see Jesus as the son of man who receives authority (Matthew 28:18).
He defeats the evil power, not by human force but by the power of God’s gracious love.
Just a ‘son of man’ (human) using love against the power of evil – is this really God’s way?
The cross shows us that this is how the kingdom is established, and evil defeated.
We are invited into this kingdom power too (Daniel 7:18), to reign in the power of love.
By responding with grace, mercy, peace and love, we defeat evil with Jesus.
Not by might, not by power, but by God’s Spirit… of love, joy peace, etc.!
Lord, your Way of love seems weak, but it possesses divine power for overcoming evil. Help me to follow your Way through this dark world, overcoming evil with you until the day of your return!


  1. Snapshots into the future – We can look at history since Daniel lived and postulate the events that have happened since then, but I’d rather take the view that no matter what, I know it’s in the hands of God – “the ancient of days” and the lamb – the ‘son of man’ Jesus. I’m with Jesus – that is my confidence. For the rest I feel like Daniel: “I was appalled by the vision; it was beyond understanding.” I know evil needs to be rooted out and finished! In my personal battle with evil I need to stand firm as well – and like Jesus resist temptation whenever it entices me! It is not in my strength – the power is from Jesus – who conquered sin and evil – now I may live for him!

  2. The wrong often seems so strong, but God is the Ruler. The evil will be destroyed. That He has promised. He has given His people His presence and we will live forevermore. But in the meantime, as His people, we need to live as His, Spirit driven, instruments of His peace showing the fruit of the Spirit. He reigns.

    It’s all God’s children singin’
    “Glory, glory, hallelujah”
    “He reigns, he reigns”
    (He reigns)
    It’s all God’s children singin’
    “Glory, glory, hallelujah”
    “He reigns, he reigns”
    (He reigns)
    And all the powers of darkness
    Tremble at what they’ve just heard
    ‘Cause all their powers of darkness
    Can’t drown out a single word
    When all God’s children sing out
    “Glory, glory, hallelujah”
    “He reigns, he reigns”
    (He reigns)
    All God’s children sing out
    “Glory, glory, hallelujah”
    “He reigns, he reigns”
    (He reigns)

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