Being God’s voice!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“He did not say this on his own, but as high priest that year he prophesied…” (John 11:51)
Is Caiaphas speaking from faith, or from frustration?
I’ve always assumed it was frustration, urging them to have Jesus put to death.
As high priest, his word carried weight and the leaders took their cue from him.
John observes that it was not just Caiaphas, but God speaking through Caiaphas.
God’s greater purpose communicating through Caiaphas’s limited purpose.
This is like Balaam, blessing Israel even though he didn’t mean to (Numbers 22-24).
Peter describes the prophets as being carried along by the Spirit.
“For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.” (2 Peter 1:21)
What is encouraging is to know that God speaks through us as well.
As Jesus says, “the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.” (Matthew 10:20)
Jesus, God’s Voice, is always speaking, and we can be the voices that he uses.
Better to be a voice of faith than a voice of frustration!
As you speak today, visualize the Spirit of Jesus using your words to speak to others.
Lord, I make no claim about my words being truth, but I do trust that you speak through me, whether I realize it or not!


  1. The story of Balaam is a wild ride! Lord thank you for your firm guidance and working through all those around us for direction. Your blessing is so much more powerful than what we can understand, help me be more resistant to the heaviness on me – who can outcurse the blessing you’ve put on us? Most of my heaviness must be in my own head.

  2. The whole point of Jesus Mission summed up by the high priest: “You do not realize that it is better for you that one man die for the people than that the whole nation perish.” Expand “the whole nation” to all of mankind – we would all perish because of sin – original sin. By the first Adam – sin came – and I am prone to sin today – I’ll never make the full righteous standard on my own – but I can through Jesus – he died to pay the sentence of death that is on me. It is the way out – so that I and all who trust in him are saved. Thank you Jesus that I no longer perish! The high priest prophecy affirms the purpose of Jesus mission! He is another voice put their by God to help me to believe!

  3. Speaking the words of the Lord.
    My words also need to be words of hope and not fear. Faith over fear. Others need to see that my words and deeds are aligned to God’s will. Help me daily to be an encourager.

    Words Of Life, Words Of Hope
    Give Us Strength, Help Us Cope
    In This World, Where Ever We Roam
    Ancient Words Will Guide Us Home.
    Ancient Words Ever True
    Changing Me And Changing You,
    We Have Come With Open Hearts
    Oh Let The Ancient Words Impart

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