Sabbatical Day 26 – Braamt to Millingen aan de Rijn (25k)

Sunday, May 26, 2024
Today was the big 25k day. We pushed ourselves, with our focus on getting there. The walk was good, through forests, up and down bigger hills, into Germany for a short time, and along the Rijn (Rhine) River for a long stretch until we reached the ferry. Thankfully the ferry was running and we were able to cross within 5 minutes. It was a good day, almost 27k altogether.

As we walked I had time to think, and it struck me how preparing this update began as a positive way for me to record my sabbatical. It is now becoming a challenge and even a chore to think about what to write, what pictures to post, looking for the pictures to post, and finding the time and place in the BnB to work on it. I realized that it is not serving me or the intent of my sabbatical well. So today will be my last daily update. Thanks to those who joined with me here.

Sabbatical Day 25 – Zelhem to Braamt (17k)

Saturday, May 25, 2024
We bid farewell to the van Baardewijk’s in Zelhem, and begin our next stage on the Pieterpad, the doable 17k walk from Zelhem to Braamt. In the back of our mind is the big walk from Braamt to Millington aan de Rijn, which is a 25k walk – the longest of them all. But that is for another day. Continue reading ‘Sabbatical Day 25 – Zelhem to Braamt (17k)’ »

Sabbatical Day 24 – A Day in Winterswijk

Friday, May 24, 2024
Today is a day to rest and spend time with Tom’s parents. They live in a community a few kilometers from the German border, in the Achterhoeks, the back corner of the Netherlands. We are not walking the Pieterpad today, but we still do some walking, to keep our feet and legs limber for tomorrow. Continue reading ‘Sabbatical Day 24 – A Day in Winterswijk’ »

Sabbatical Day 22 – Laren to Vorden (14k)

Wednesday, May 22, 2024
Today is the shortest walk of all. We feel relaxed getting started, and wonder if we might even arrive by noon, even before family in Canada is out of bed. In the back of our minds we are nervously anticipating longer days ahead, especially the 24k and 25k days. But we will cross that brug when we come to it. Continue reading ‘Sabbatical Day 22 – Laren to Vorden (14k)’ »

Sabbatical Day 21 – Holten to Laren (15k)

Tuesday, May 21, 2024
Today we anticipate an easy day, only 15k to Laren. Before we leave we sit with Gehard and Joke, who run this BnB in their 80s. They proudly show us pictures and plaques honouring their devotion to the care and promotion of the cemetery and remembrance of the Canadian soldiers. He’s been playing tuba in the liberation band for years, and hopes to survive until next year’s 80th anniversary of the liberation. They were a lovely couple, and inspiring in their devotion to remembering and peace. Continue reading ‘Sabbatical Day 21 – Holten to Laren (15k)’ »

Sabbatical Day 20 – Hellendoorn to Holten (15k)

Monday, May 20, 2024
Today is one week since we started. We are feeling better and stronger than we have in the last few days. We took our time this morning because it is only a 15k walk today (and to let our laundry dry). We are anticipating more hills, but we haven’t found them bad, so we expect an easy day. Continue reading ‘Sabbatical Day 20 – Hellendoorn to Holten (15k)’ »

Sabbatical Day 19 – Ommen to Hellendoorn (21k)

Sunday, May 19, 2024
Today we have a 21k walk to Hellendoorn. This rhythm is becoming normal to us by now. We’ve developed a routine for each stage of the day. One change to our previous pattern is not going to church. There is thankfully no guilt for this; rather there is a release. Besides not understanding it, if I was sitting in church I would be comparing, contrasting and considering the hows and whys and — my head would kick back into work-mode. For us today, this is a gift day, our own kind of Pentecost, where we can experience the freeing presence of the Spirit of God as we walk with Jesus through this place. Continue reading ‘Sabbatical Day 19 – Ommen to Hellendoorn (21k)’ »

Sabbatical Day 18 – Hardenberg to Ommen (21k)

Saturday, May 18, 2024
Today is a 21k hike. Another beautiful day! Not sure how long I will be able to write this. After our BnB breakfast we head out at 8:30 and walk for most of the day through forest trails. This trail follows a vast network of trails along the Vecht river. It is Saturday, and so we meet more hikers and cyclists along the way. Continue reading ‘Sabbatical Day 18 – Hardenberg to Ommen (21k)’ »

Sabbatical Day 17 – Coevorden to Hardenberg (19k)

Friday, May 17, 2024
Today was another beautiful day. It started out humid after the rain last night, but it became more comfortable through the day. Fewer kms today, which is nice to think about. It always takes a few moments to get our stiff and achy muscles and feet going in the morning… But go we must and go we do. Continue reading ‘Sabbatical Day 17 – Coevorden to Hardenberg (19k)’ »