Forgive them… forgive me!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” (Luke 23:34)
These words apply to all of us: we do not know what we’re doing.
We make boastful claims about what we know, yet look at what we do.
There is something terribly wrong in the world – and its us!
But I can’t be critical of others, my own choices are questionable.
There are many times when I say of myself: ‘what am I doing?’
I know the right thing to do, yet I do not do it.
I know what things I should not do, yet I keep on doing them.
Being selfish and foolish seems to come naturally.
When Jesus says, “Father, forgive them”, I know he is speaking of me too.
The kinds of sins that crucified him are also subtly at work in me.
This is very encouraging, for it reminds me how Jesus forgives me too.
Jesus is my Saviour, he saves me from the penalty and power of my sin.
He not only assures me of forgiveness, but also of freedom from its grip.
With his help, I am changing – ever so slowly – to be less selfish and foolish.
Lord, though I do not know what I am doing, you do! You suffered and died that I might be rescued and restored. You give me hope, and you give me help.


  1. “He saved others; let him save himself..” It’s because Jesus didn’t save himself from the brutality of the cross and death – that he saves us! Jesus is the chosen one – the Messiah – the people standing around the cross – even his disciples had not understood what it would take for the Messiah to redeem us. Do I understand it – can I really absorb it – that Jesus did this to redeem independent human beings who chose and choose again to go against the will of the creator. It’s totally amazing and makes me wonder why it had to be. What I do know is that the Father is looking for us to willingly want and desire to honour him as our God – as our heavenly Father. And though I am covered in dirt and sin – He is willing to accept me because I am washed clean through Jesus’s saving work. He saved me! Hallelujah what a saviour!

  2. He saved others and not Himself so that you and I can be saved like the thief on the cross. It is never too late. He forgives so that you and I can live for Jesus. He is King and He continues to reign today. I need to be like Jesus in showing my love to all and forgive all in my daily living. In my relationships I daily need to show the love of Christ living in me.

    Love, love, love, love,
    The Gospel in a word is love.
    Love your neighbor as yourself.
    Love, love, love.

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