That look…


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“The Lord turned and looked straight at Peter.” (Luke 22:61)
There is a moment when you are tempted when all you see is what you’re tempted with.
Like Eve, the fruit looks so good, and you imagine all the benefits.
If whispers of warning arise, they are buried beneath the burning desire.
Satan keeps you too preoccupied to seek the help of Jesus.
The Lord is there, the Lord is looking toward us in that moment.
But we are too distracted, too wrapped up in ourselves, to notice.
But like Peter, the moment also comes after we have given in.
Satan stops his enticing, and begins his taunting.
And then we see Jesus, still looking at us, with sad love in his eyes.
And waves of shame, bitterness and disappointment arise.
Adam and Eve ran away to hide from God in their moment of shame.
Peter goes outside and weeps bitterly… but does not look away from Jesus.
The next time he sees Jesus looking to him, he runs to him (John 21).
In times of great failure, look to Jesus looking at you, and let him restore you.
Lord, I have seen this look many times. You know my weakness, you even expect it. Help me to look to you before I sin; but when I do, help me to look to you then, to see your look of mercy and grace.


  1. Jesus sees me – and he knows my thoughts. I can fake it on the outside – but with Jesus there is no hiding. Jesus’ look to Peter was what Peter needed to jar him out of his fear into the reality of the moment. Jesus had told Peter what would happen and now he realized he did exactly as Jesus said. Peter was completely humbled and repentant–he realized that he had deserted Jesus – out fear for himself. I can relate to that – when backed up in a corner or in situations where people wouldn’t know that I am a Jesus follower. Jesus sees my weakness and fear too – Lord Jesus help me be strong and brave and not to fear threats because I believe in you! Praying for so many Christians who are persecuted because they openly declare they are Jesus followers!

  2. Peter was a passionate man. He was also confident in his own power and strength. I can not be strong by myself but need the strength of my Lord and Saviour I need His power and presence to be faithful to Him. My strength can only come from Him.

    Did we in our own strength confide,
    Our striving would be losing;
    Were not the right Man on our side,
    The Man of God’s own choosing:
    Dost ask who that may be?
    Christ Jesus, it is He;
    Lord Sabaoth His Name,
    From age to age the same,
    And He must win the battle.

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