Oct 7 — Genesis 49:1-28

SCRIPTURE: Genesis 49:1-28

Jacob seems to predict what the future of his family will be, based on their present day behaviours. He also is led to predict the coming of the one to whom the throne belongs through the line of Judah (Genesis 49:10). Jacob is not pronouncing a curse on some of his sons, he is predicting the outcome of their choices. Apart from God’s gracious intervention, all our lives will lead to misery, unless we choose to follow Him. This is not a threat, it is reality. A God-less life is a ruined life. Ultimately, what the Bible calls punishment is nothing but the natural consequences of our own choices.

God will give us what we choose. If we persist in seeking good and truth, we will attain it; if we persist in self-seeking and evil, we will receive it (Romans 2:2-11). Jacob’s words (and the whole message of the Bible) is not a curse, dooming his sons, but a warning to us to choose wisely.

Lord, I hear You gently warning me to give careful thought to the outcome of my life, my choices, my behaviours. Help me to seek You, to seek goodness and truth. And assure me that as I seek You, You will graciously guide me there. Amen.

One Comment

  1. God’s Spirit was upon Jacob as he blessed his sons. He was in tune with His Maker at this time of his life, speaking the very words God wanted him to share with his children. He was speaking of the consequences of the choices they made in their lives. Did they hear Him? God’s Spirit was using Jacob as His instrument, His wonders to perform. But do we have the ears what the Spirit says to God’s people? Do we have the eyes to see His presence in our lives?

    Whom do I serve? With who do I walk each and every day? What is my driving force in all that I do and say? I must greet each day as the Lord’s Day and I must tell myself at all times, that Today God Is First. I need to follow His leading and guiding.

    I am weak and I need Thy strength and power,
    To help me over my weakest hour.
    Let me through the darkness Thy face to see,
    Lead me, oh Lord lead me.

    Lead me, guide me along the way,
    For if you lead me I cannot stray.
    Lord let me walk each day with Thee.
    Lead me, oh Lord lead me.
    Help me tread in the paths of righteousness

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