Oct 8 — Genesis 49:29-50:14

SCRIPTURE: Genesis 49:29-50:14

Although I am sure I read this before, this account of Jacob’s burial is new to me (see the October 5 post for the correction). This story speaks of loyalty to one’s promises, and to one’s parents. It also speaks to me about faith in God’s promises even when they seem distant, far away, unattainable. All that Jacob knew was that this land was promised to him and his children (see Genesis 35:9-15). By faith he is buried there, even though the land still belongs to the Canaanites, and his own family is living prosperously in Egypt.

Can we relate? This world, which is our promised inheritance, at present seems to be under “foreign” rule (is Jesus really Lord, are we really at home here?). But we live, serve and die here as heirs, by faith, trusting that ONE DAY…

Lord, this world belongs to You. It may not look like it, but You are at work restoring things, one person at a time. And one day, we will see You, and Your world – our world – as it was meant to be. Until then, we live by faith! Amen.

One Comment

  1. Jacob died. Although we may miss those who died, we do show respect respect and love. Joseph showed his love for his father by carrying out his wishes. Jacob’s death was also attended by the Egyptians. They even respected Jacob or attended because of Joseph’s influence in the land. They gave respect/honour to whom it was due. The death of a person is a loss to all those who loved him/her. Did the Egyptians also show that love while Jacob was still alive? Or did they rally together only in death? We need to live every day as our last serving our Master and telling those whom we love our feelings and thoughts and encouragement. They need to hear those words of kindness and gratitude and the difference they made in our lives while they are alive. As far as it depends upon us, let’s live at peace with all men as we serve Him today, because today also God is first in all my relationships.

    Faith of our fathers, we will strive
    To win all nations unto Thee;
    And through the truth that comes from God,
    We all shall then be truly free.

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