The better way


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Enter through the narrow gate.” (Matthew 7:13)
The way of life that Jesus practices and teaches is not an easy one.
But difficult as Jesus’s teachings are, they make life better for everyone.
The Jesus way is the only way to make things better in the world.
Hate breeds hate, unforgiveness and revenge hurts everyone, greed ruins the soul.
Everyday we face situations where we must choose Jesus’s way of responding.
Satan lures us daily to respond in self-interest or self-protection.
Usually we can predict the Jesus’ way… it is the more difficult option.
Why do so few find this narrow path… because so few want to find it.
This path is always there as an option for us, but we avoid it as much as possible.
Jesus is inviting us – urging us – to take the better way, the way of love.
But what does this look like in the daily details of my life?
At work or at home, with my family or friends or coworkers?
When thing happen, do I pause to consider how best to respond… like Jesus?
In the moment of response, I have to pause and consider the options.
Will I choose the ‘narrow way’, the harder path, the loving response?
Lord, the narrow way is not hidden from us. We prefer not to see it, we avoid it if we can. Your way is not easiest, but it is best. Help me to find it, to want it, to choose it in the daily details of my life.


  1. Jesus – only Jesus. But He is the gate and it is He who lets the pilgrims who come to the gate come in. He is full of mercy. I used to think that the narrow road would be rough and challenging, but that can be said of the broad road too. Its just that the broad road is popular – go down it along with many others. Many religions and religious practices, philosophies and the good life – with all the toys – but then life suddenly narrows. We have an ailment that brushes death, or an accident while on the broad way. Suddenly its a narrow road – it feels like the road to death. Yet by believing it can come to the road to life! We all must experience a narrow road – let it be the road to the narrow gate – Jesus!

  2. Most people take the wide path – the path of least resistance. Jesus wants us to travel the less travelled path, the harder path, the path that the Lord has already taken. As I walk this day in His SonShine strengthen me Lord so that I walk in Your Way and do what You want me to do. Lead me and guide me by Your spirit.

    I am weak, and I need Thy strength and power
    To help me over my weakest hour;
    Let me through the darkness Thy face to see,
    Lead me, O Lord, lead me.

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