The seriousness of sin


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Parents will eat their children, and children will eat their parents.” (Ezekiel 5:10)
I do not see God as making these things happen, but letting them happen.
God warns people constantly not to live in depraved, violent ways.
Now Israel is facing another depraved nation, bent on conquest.
They will be under siege, and will become desperately hungry, even eating human flesh.
Where can the people turn, if they turned their backs on God.
They are getting exactly what they wanted – life without God.
And they are discovering – as we all do – that it is not so pleasant.
These words are a reminder to me of where sin, unchecked, will lead.
Today we see other examples of this: how sin leads to horrible results.
God is not mean, God is not vengeful; God wants to spare us these horrors.
But if we persist, God lets us have what we want, to see for ourselves.
I can’t imagine getting to the point of eating my own kids… but it has happened.
Or people raping or abusing or torturing their own kids… but it happens.
Selfish sinful nature is a messy, miserable path… we need to run away from it!
Lord, help me to remember the seriousness of sin. That a small compromise here can lead to a major crisis there. Help me to heed your warnings, rather than learning our lessons the hard way.


  1. there is no doubt Israel had it coming! And how often had they been warned. Finally the consequences had to become real – and they had to be viciously cruel because sin is ugly! I may frequently and lightly say in my prayer: forgive my sin – but that is too easy. Sin caused Jesus to suffer what I deserved – sin is what caused the exile and the killing and the bloodshed – and it does so today – wars and persecutions and refugees and poverty drought stricken people dying. Also so many dying from poor nutrition, disease and sickness. Sin – it’s ugly. What happened Israel was ugly too! The survivors will remember – but soon their children, children’s children forget – and so the cycle continues. I too, start to forget where I’ve come from and go back to my ‘vomit’ too! Lord help me stay true I pray!

  2. The people did what was right in their own eyes and went their own way, not obeying the word of the Lord. The Lord let them have their own way with their consequences that they may learn that life without God is no life at all. The consequences of going it alone are great. May we learn from Him Who has told us in His Word that life is only possible when we know the Lord and walk in His way. Have Thine own way Lord. This is our world. Lead me and guide me each day to walk in Your way.

    When we walk with the Lord in the light of His Word
    What a glory He sheds on our way!
    While we do His good will, He abides with us still
    And with all who will trust and obey
    Trust and obey, for there’s no other way
    To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey

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