May 8 — Luke 8:26-39

SCRIPTURE: Luke 8:26-39

In this story I see how sin (and Satan) take over a life and destroy it… and how Jesus takes over a life and rebuilds it. The demons are smart in going into the pigs; even though they lose the one, they succeed in deceiving the many townspeople. Instead of being impressed with Jesus’ power, they are frightened by the scene made by the pigs, and they beg Jesus to leave. The very one who could help them too… and they send Him away. And the demons laughed. Jesus wept. But He did not leave the people without hope, He leaves His new servant with them to remind them of all the wonderful things that God has done for him. Part of His overall plan, send those whom He helps to testify to others about Him.

Two lessons come to mind for me. If I want to find peace at the feet of Jesus, and be useful for His purpose, I need to be set free from the lingering chains and stains of sin in my life. The strongholds in my life are holding me back, and the Lord is calling me to deal with them. Also, one of Satan’s best tactics is to scare us away from Jesus. He does what he can to get us to take our eyes off of Jesus and God, and onto ourselves and our struggles or obstacles. Like Peter being distracted by the wind and the waves, we start to sink too when we are more impressed by our problems than by our God. Another thought, if people asked me about all the wonderful things that God has done for me, what would I say?

Lord, thank You for this passage, it is very timely for me. Thank You for letting me hear Your voice speaking to my heart. Please help me with the lingering chains of sin, and release me in Your Spirit to tell others of Your goodness to me. Amen.

One Comment

  1. I can see why the people would be scared, that kind of power is awesome and they did not seem to know enough about Jesus to know that He was trustworthy.
    Sometimes I am that way too….
    It is hard to trust God even though I know He is absolutely 100% trustworthy.

    Thank-you Jesus that You healed this demon possessed man. Thank-you that You are always trustworthy, please help me to keep trusting. Amen

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