Jan 24 — Matthew 5:27-37

SCRIPTURE: Matthew 5:27-37

Keeping one’s word is essential in the world as God designed it. Broken promises undermine the stability and welfare of society. Jesus’ kingdom ethic is clear on the need for maintaining fidelity within marriage. Stay true to your promise, says Jesus. The only exception is when the other partner severs the relationship by infidelity. Jesus is not condemning the “innocent” party as an adulterer, but impressing on the one initiating the divorce that they are MAKING their partner a vow-breaker. Jesus is not calling the “innocent” partner sexually immoral simply because they are being divorced. But by necessity they cannot keep their vows (because the partner has left them), and so in this sense they become adulterers. Elsewhere Paul indicates that if a spouse insists on leaving, the other partner is not bound (1 Corinthians 7:15).

Jesus also points out that it is not just public, acted-out sin that is a breaking of the marriage vow, but even lustful looking. Root this out as sin, says Jesus, it is serious. Like anger, it puts you at risk of ending up in the garbage heap, burned (hell is literally Gehenna, a garbage dump that was always burning, outside of Jerusalem).

Jesus is not dangling eternal damnation over people to scare them from sinning, but warning them of the natural consequences of breaking vows and entertaining lust in the heart. You will get burned. The wisdom of Proverbs echoes this warning (Proverbs 6:27-29). Do I think that little compromises (a peak here, a look there) will not harm me, or my relationship with my wife? Do I take sin this serious, willing to cut it off, root it out, NO MATTER WHAT?

Lord, I confess that I do not take my sin this seriously. I act as if I can get away with it. Even though I do not always reason this out, my actions can reveal that I do not take sin seriously. Help me to be more serious! Amen.

One Comment

  1. This passage comes after the beatitudes – telling the people how to live. It describes pleasure seekers rather than being Sonseekers. God’s people need to be true to the Word. They need to pledge troth – fidelity – covenanting with God to live according to His Word in all of their daily living. Faithfulness is the key word. God desires His people to live for Him in all their daily activities and in all their relationships. then we daily live placing God first – Today God Is First or the JOY principle – Jesus first, Others second, Yourself last – then we are living as God intended us to live for Jesus. Help us Lord on our way.

    Have thine own way, Lord! Have thine own way!
    Hold o’er my being absolute sway.
    Fill with thy Spirit till all shall see
    Christ only, always, living in me!

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