Oct 24 — Acts 20:1-12

Welcome to Jill Hamming, a friend of mine from Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, and a regular participant on this web page. She will share her reflections on the readings from Acts 20-23.

Scripture: Acts 20:1-12

Recently I heard a talk about the importance of our stories. -Stories that are passed down among families and friends about good things that God does for us. These Christians at Troas will have amazing stories to tell new believers.

“Paul, this man whom God sent to change our lives forever, who brought us the Good News about salvation, who was so dedicated, and who suffered so much to tell the people the News. On the last night we were together the Holy Spirit enabled him to stay up all night teaching us. And Eutychus, -this is so amazing you won’t believe it- but it’s true! He went to sleep in the window and fell to the ground and died! Paul prayed and God raised him to life!”

What an example of God’s power and what encouragement was in this story. When trials came or when new converts needed to hear what God was like, there was Eutychus!

What are our stories about God? Not just the Bible ones, the ones in our lives. Look for them. Share them. Use them to encourage others.

Thank-you Lord for the time you arranged that my brother and I would meet on the side of the road and he would tell me about God in a different way and I became Your child! Thank-you for when my husband was unemployed and You supplied all our needs including the expensive medication! Thank-you that You miraculously fixed the crack in Corrie’s glasses. Please Lord help me to see the stories of You in my life and to share them with others. Thank-you, Amen


  1. What is so amazing is that the coming back to life of the sleepy Eutychus is reported in such a matter of fact manner. The people were not amazed. rather they were greatly comforted. How would i react if someone in our services died and was brought back to life? This event I think has to reflect what Paul was preaching about. He might have been discussing the suffering we face if we truly want to live our faith to the point of risking everything. the ridicule or even the silent treatment we might get from friends when we stand up for what is right. To know we serve a God who has conquered death would be and is a tremendous comfort to me also. Lord help me to live the victorious life in You. Nothing can separate me from Your love and power. To know that you know my name and died for me fills me with joy. To know that my days are numbered according to your plan for my live gives me great peace so if I do fall asleep like Eutychus you are there to rescue me.
    Thankyou Jesus.

    I’ve never thought about Eutychus’ story, and how God would use his testimony to bless others. The thing that jumped out at me was that Paul “talked on and on”, hmm, can I relate to this? And people sometimes falling asleep? To be honest, when I am sitting and listening, I can sometimes close my eyes. That’s why I became a preacher, its easier to stay awake up there.

    If I had the chance to speak all night, what message would I share? Am I as passionate about the message of Jesus, that I could go on and on all night? Is the message in me a fire that cannot be contained (see Jeremiah 20:9).

    Lord, thank You for challenging me lately to better appreciate and live the message, and not settle for warn out cliches and slogans. I want the real message to have a real impact on my life, and to impact those with whom I share it. Amen.

  3. On the detours in our journey of living for Jesus, do we also use those times to share the gospel. God is with us at all times, in all situations. Emmanuel!

    The disciples did their devotions while apart, yet they met on the first day of the week to worhip God and have communion with one another. It is so important to build eachother up in the Lord. And look at the time they spent in fellowship, rathet than saying Paul is too long winded, or boring or . . .

    Lord help me to start each day with You. Today God Is First. Help me to be an encourager of all those who come to meet together on the first day of the week. Give me the ears to hear Your Word each Sonday and empower those who proclaim Your Word. Keep me from nodding off here and there. Help me to stay alive forevermore!

    When I feel afraid,
    And think Ive lost my way.
    Still, Youre there right beside me.
    Nothing will I fear
    As long as You are near;
    Please be near me to the end.

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