Apr 7 — Mark 11:1-19

SCRIPTURE: Mark 11:1-19

The colt of a donkey (Matthew 21:2). An unused animal was seen as especially suitable for religious purposes (Numbers 19:2).
Notice that Jesus knew the colt would be there, and that the owner would allow Him to use it.
Hosanna means “save”, an expression of praise and confidence. They seem to be quoting Psalm 118:25-26, and the “festal procession” with “boughs in hand” is a reference to Psalm 118:27. This is a Psalm with a number of references to Jesus.
Jesus looks around at everything going on in the temple, the marketing and money-making, and is probably frustrated, but He leaves rather than deal with it that day. The next day His frustration shows with the fig tree (seems harsh, an indication of His frustration at the “fruitlessness” of His people?), and He disrupts the temple business.
The temple was the place where God came to meet and help His people; the priests turned it into a money-making scheme, a place to rob people – Jesus is angry!

Jesus demonstrates His humility by riding on the colt of a donkey, instead of a war horse. Is there a lesson in this for me, how I present myself, how I serve in the community. Do I convey a similar kind of humility?
Jesus knew that His calling meant suffering, yet He persevered through it, knowing He was on a mission from God. How does this relate to me and my calling? I am on a mission from God, for Jesus, too, yet do I avoid the suffering and protect myself at all costs?
It must have been hard for Jesus to hear the “hosannas” of the people, knowing that in just a few days they would be yelling “crucify!”
At times I share Jesus’ frustration with how the church misses the point, but God reminds me that I am a part of the problem, that the way we do church seems to distract and burden people rather than lead them to God.

Lord, You humbly and with determination focused on fulfilling Your mission, even though it led to Your suffering and death. Help me not to lose sight of my mission, to not get distracted in worldly amusements, but to dedicate myself to doing the things You saved and called me to do! Amen.

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