Get behind me Satan!

“Come out of this man, you impure spirit!” (Mark 5:9)
Do you believe that there are spirit beings out there, good and bad?
I believe everyone is harassed by evil spirits (as well as helped by good spirits).
We are not helpless, we can resist evil spirits and make them flee (James 4:7).
But if we do not resist them, we open ourselves to their deceits and fears.
God created spirit beings to help us fulfill our God-given purpose.
As messengers of truth, they whisper God’s wisdom and truth into our minds.
But some spirits rebelled, and have become voices of deception and defeat.
They usually work quietly, through people or circumstances or voices in our mind.
This man was so oppressed by these voice, he became possessed by them.
As Jesus followers, we are also oppressed by evil voices (spirits).
These voices hinder or harass us in our desire to serve Jesus.
Wherever we are being distracted or discouraged – this is the enemy at work.
If we give in to these voices, they take over and our lives become unlivable.
As Jesus followers, join with Jesus in commanding evil spirits to leave!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I can see how evil spirits are deceiving, discouraging and distracting me. Help me to see the danger, and to stand up to it, in Your strength.

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