Welcome at his table!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Mephibosheth ate at David’s table like one of the king’s sons.” (2 Samuel 9:11)
David, unlike leaders of his day, doesn’t kill other heirs to the throne.
Mephibosheth represents the enemy that is welcomed with grace.
Based on his covenant of love with Jonathan, David welcomes his son.
God welcomes all kinds of people to the table as well, based on covenant love as well.
“Many will come from the east and the west, and will take their places at the feast.” [Matthew 8:11]
We try to guard the table, but the Lord extends the invitation far and wide.
David’s kindness does backfire when he congratulates the new Ammonite king (2 Samuel 10).
It seems that not everyone appreciates God’s kindness either, or responds with kindness.
Jesus, the Son of David, also had people at his table that betrayed him.
But love is willing to take the risk, to restore enemies as friends.
As Jesus followers, we have no more right at the table than anyone else.
We know that just as we are graciously received, others should be as well.
As Jesus followers let us share the table of grace with unlikely guests as well.
“Go to the street corners and invite to the banquet anyone you find.” (Matthew 22:9-10)
Lord, forgive us for being stingy with your grace. May our tables be filled with unlikely guests who need God’s grace as much as us.


  1. True to his promises to Jonathan: “Don’t be afraid,” David said to him, “for I will surely show you kindness for the sake of your father Jonathan.” David is faithful. God is even more. God carries out his promises to David and so also to us through Jesus our Lord and King. Thank you Lord that through your gift of the HS to us we too can strive to live faithful lives – walking in the ways of Jesus. Still I need to learn so much and I need to stay faithful! Help me Lord!

  2. Come to the table now.
    This reminds me of letting the little children come to Jesus. Others tried to stop them but Jesus accepted them. As Mephibosheth was accepted at the table of his earthly king so too we are accepte at the table of our heavenly King. Life time fellowship by His invitation and mankind can not stop those who have been invited
    We all need to focus on the Saviour now for it is He Who invtes and not we/I. I am not gracious at times as the Lord gives His grace. I need to keep my eyes of Jesus.

    .1 Come to the Savior now,
    he gently calls to you;
    in true repentance bow,
    let him your heart renew.
    Christ came that you may know
    salvation, peace, and love,
    true joy on earth below,
    a home in heaven above.
    2 Come to the Savior now,
    all who have wandered far;
    renew your solemn vow,
    for his by right you are;
    come like poor, wandering sheep
    returning to his fold;
    his arm will safely keep,
    his love will ne’er grow cold.
    3 Come to the Savior, now,
    he offers all to you,
    and on his merits you
    can plead for life anew.
    No vain excuses frame,
    respond to Christ today!
    None who to Jesus came
    were ever sent away.
    4 Come to the Savior, all,
    whate’er your burdens be;
    hear now His loving call,
    “Cast all your care on me.”
    Come, and for every grief,
    in Jesus you will find
    a sure and safe relief,
    a loving friend and kind

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