Compassion for all!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“I have compassion for these people.” (Mark 8:2)
Jesus is working in the Decapolis, ten cities east of the Jordan.
It is modern day area of Jordan, Syria and the Golan Heights.
The citizens were mostly Semitic (Canaanites) or Greek and Roman.
In modern terms, Jesus was a Jew working with Palestinians and other non Jews.
This story shows us the blessing of Abraham extending to the nations.
“All peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” (Genesis 12:3)
Paul calls this promise “the gospel in advance” (Galatians 3:8) for the Gentiles.
In other words, God’s compassion through Jesus is for all people.
Jesus still looks out on people other than his own followers with compassion
Jesus moves and works among people of all races, cultures, religions and lifestyles.
He does not vet them first, to see whether they measure up or properly believe.
He ‘turns on the taps’ of God’s generosity, with leftovers to spare.
As followers of Jesus, we need to experience the extent of God’s compassion.
Not only for sinners like us, but for sinners like everyone else too.
Lord, your compassion goes way beyond our own. Forgive us for putting up walls where you take them down. May sinners experience grace through us, so that they too can repent and believe and follow you.


  1. Jesus said: “I have compassion for these people” – do I have the same compassion? It is not easy for me to brush off someone. I see the panhandlers standing at key intersections – sometimes I give – especially when it’s cold. I’ve met some at urban hope and sat across eating with some. They are real people and they each have a story. We should have compassion but that compassion needs to lead to appropriate action. For me it begins with respect – listening and caring – not telling them what to do but really listen and then discover if there are any ways that we can help. We may pity them but they are really dealing with issues – homeless is one, substance addiction another, but the worst I think is rejection – taking the time to give each person respect, dignity and encouragement and appropriate assistance if they are open for it! Compassion takes time – take it and give it — I need to remind myself!

  2. Listening to Jesus for three days. WoW! All the eyes were upon Him, This is a miracle especially since all kinds of people were there – those who believed and those who did not. Jesus had compassion on them all. The second miracle is the feeding of the people. This time the disciples gave all they had to meet the need and the Lord multiplies. There are times that we think our small contribution will not make a difference but in the lord’s hands it does. As Jesus showed compassion to all those there, I too need to show compassion and be an instrument of His peace as His disciples were distributing the bread and fish.

    1 We give thee but thine own,
    whate’er the gift may be;
    all that we have is thine alone,
    a trust, O Lord, from thee.

    2 May we thy bounties thus
    as stewards true receive
    and gladly, as thou blessest us,
    to thee our first fruits give.

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