Against God, and many others!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Against you, you only, have I sinned…” (Psalm 51:4)
This psalm explains its story, when David is convicted for his sin with Bathsheba.
David kills Uriah after committing adultery with his wife (2 Samuel 11).
Nathan exposes his sin (2 Samuel 12), and suddenly he is remorseful.
Yes, he is probably sincere in his repentance, but it was not perfect.
This line (51:4) has always troubled me… what about Uriah and Bathsheba?
What about Uriah’s family, what about David’s other wives?
David did not just sin against God, even if his sin against God was very serious.
Just because God inspired him to write this confession, doesn’t mean it is correct.
I believe it is true – true to how David felt, and how his repentance was.
Our sin is always more than we think, the ripple effect always more harmful.
The root of our sin may be failure to love God, but it always includes not loving others.
Still, what I appreciate about this truth is that God accepts my weak repentance.
It is not the perfection of my repentance, but the perfection of his mercy, that counts.
I still do not fully understand my sin; this only makes me more thankful for his mercy!
Lord, against you, and many many more, have I sinned, in ways I do not fully know. Have mercy on me according to your unfailing love, not according to my flawed repentance.


  1. “My sacrifice, O God, is[b] a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise.” David knew this and it was his contrite spirit that kept him right with God. He is the example I need to follow! Pride is the enemy – I have to admit that I am sinful and lowly – not deserving of God’s mercy and grace! Thank you Lord for David’s example – it is evidence of your mercy and grace for those who come to you in honesty and a humble spirit!

  2. My sins – can only be forgiven by my Lord Who creates in me a clean heart. I need the forgiveness of those I have sinned against but it is only the Lord God Who can set me free. Praise the Lord. May my lips continue to share His goodness of the freedom I have found in Him. Only He can free me, and others from our brokenness. Turn to the Lord in prayer. He needs to pilot me always. Jesus shepherd me in Your ways, today and always. Your will be done.

    Create in me a clean heart, O God,
    and renew a right spirit within me.
    Cast me not away from your presence,
    and take not your Holy Spirit from me.
    Restore unto me the joy of your salvation,
    and uphold me with your free Spirit.

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