May 11 — Luke 9:10-17

SCRIPTURE: Luke 9:10-17
“Jesus took the five loaves and two fish, looked up toward heaven, and blessed them….They all ate as much as they wanted, and afterward, the disciples picked up twelve baskets of leftovers! (Luke 10:16-17)
The disciples have witnessed – and been a part of – amazing miracles. Could they have imagined this next one, multiplying food for thousands? This story is a good example of how good takes our little contributions (whether loaves and fish, or our weak speaking skills, or our abilities, or our small offerings) and multiplies them for His purpose. The disciples did not have the “spiritual gift” of feeding multitudes, they just had 5 loaves and 2 fish. I may not have the gift of hospitality, but I do have a home and food to offer. When what little we have is offered to the Lord, with a prayer of thanks (like Jesus did), then He will multiply it for His purpose. He will do beyond what we could imagine, impacting and blessing people beyond our ability. When we offer our limited selves to Him, we will be amazed at how He takes our little pebble and creates a big splash, with ripples that will stretch beyond our reach.
What do I have to offer? I can mention what I think my “gifts” are, but beyond that what do I have. If I have a mouth, if I have hands, if I have a house, a car, food and drink, if I have time, a mind, an education — all of these things can be useful in the Lord’s hands. Instead of complaining how little or small my gift is, maybe I should look up to the Lord and bless these resources, and then trust that He can use and multiply them as He sees fit. Its not up to me to feed the multitudes, its just up to me to be available with what I am, with what I have. He will feed the multitudes. The advantage of looking at things this way is that it takes the burden of success off of me, as well as the burden of insufficiency (what difference can I make?). I just have to be willing and available. “Here I am, Lord, send me!”
Lord, as I look ahead to beginning a new work in Ajax, I am at times nervous about the needs and expectations that await me. Remind me that it is not my job to feed the multitudes, but simply to be willing and available, and to offer what I have to You, trusting that You will make the difference. Amen.

One Comment

  1. The Master Teacher had a great following because of His show and tell ministry – proclaiming the Kingdom and healing the sick. The people were absorbed by the Gospel that they would seek the Messager out and follow to hear/to see more. The people did not prepare themselves for their travels and so came without food. God told the fishers of men to feed them, but they only had 5 loaves and 2 fish. They had just completed a mission proclaiming the gospel and healing the people. They had done great things. Could they not have met the needs of the people? Once again Jesus shows His power and provides a miracle to show once again that He provides for all the needs of the people, beyond measure. His disciples, and I am one of them, are totally dependent upon Him for our ministry.

    Thank You Lord for my daily bread. All what I have is Thine. I have more than what I need from day to day. Help me to use the gifts given in Your service. Help me to remember that you have enabled me to do just that.

    We give Thee but Thine own,
    Whate’er the gift may be;
    All that we have is Thine alone,
    A trust, O Lord, from Thee.

    May we Thy bounties thus
    As stewards true receive
    And gladly, as Thou blessest us,
    To Thee our first-fruits give!

    And we believe Thy Word,
    Though dim our faith may be:
    Whate’er for Thine we do, O Lord,
    We do it unto Thee.

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