Taking my temperature


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold.” (Matthew 24:12)
Jesus is describing what happens when temptation or trouble increase.
Being hated and persecuted can break the faith, hope and love of even the strong.
Right now I am not experiencing these extremes, but how ‘hot’ am I?
In the midst of this COVID-19 situation, what is the temperature of my love?
We are still in the season (since Jesus left) of witnessing for Jesus.
The world has gone through many crises, when followers were tempted to fall.
Thankfully they stood firm through their crises, so that I can know and believe.
How am I standing firm in my faith, hope and love in this crisis?
Am I giving others a reason to trust Jesus and stand firm in Him?
My ability to love others depends on my own love for God and Jesus.
This fire does not burn by itself; the Lord feeds it on His end.
But am I tending it on my end, am I fueling it so that it can be hot?
The Lord will stand firm to the end, but He is calling us to do the same.
This minor crisis (for me) is my test; is my love growing hotter or colder?
Lord, You have reminded me I cannot love others unless I know Your love. Help me not to neglect the flame of my love for You, so that it goes out while I’m trying to survive in this world.


  1. I grew up in a loving home environment – but I’ve seen the other side – where love is foreign/cold – everyone looking out for self! Reminds me of some toxic and school circles. In some places, having compassion for others is concerned a weakness – a vulnerability. Yet it is love that breaks through – especially when it is foreign – thinking of the Nikki Cruz conversion! To continue to hold onto love because we have been loved totally by Jesus!

  2. We are know by our love. Others need to see that love in all circumstances. In my meeting and greeting those around me, they need to see that the joy of the Lord God is my strength and song. I need to be an encourager in times like these and I can do this only by realizing that the Lord God is my strength and song. Today belongs to Him.

    In doubt and temptation
    I rest, Lord, in Thee;
    My hand is in Thy hand,
    Thou carest for me;
    My soul with Thy counsel
    Through life Thou wilt guide,
    And afterward make me
    In glory abide.


    My God, I will extol Thee
    And ever bless Thy name;
    Each day will I give thanks to Thee
    And all Thy praise proclaim.

    In glory Thou only
    My portion shall be,
    On earth for none other
    I long for but Thee;
    My flesh and heart falter,
    But God is my stay,
    The strength of my spirit,
    My portion for aye.


    All they that forsake Thee
    Must perish and die,
    But near to my Savior
    Most blessèd am I;
    I make Thee my refuge,
    My Lord and my God;
    Thy grace and Thy glory
    I publish abroad.

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