a lesson in hinduism

Today I had a visitor at the ministry centre, a lady named Prima who came in out of the cold, waiting for a neighbouring office unit to open.
We enjoyed a coffee together, and a fascinating conversation.
Prima is a practicing Hindu, and she was very open to talking about her faith, and answering my questions.
One discovery was that Hinduism teaches that the one God manifests Himself in three forms – Brahma who is the Creator, Vishnu who incarnates himself in the world (often), and Shiba, who is also known as the destroyer, who contemplates us (broods over) us.
Sounds like a echo of what Christians teach about the triune nature of God.
She also explained about reincarnation, and karma (you get what you deserve, in this life or the next one), and the goal of moksha (the soul’s eventual escape from this physical prison).
She described Hinduism (at its best) as a very tolerant, positive religion, though she acknowledged that at its worst it could also be violent and destructive (which I added is also true of Christianity).
I had opportunity to talk about Jesus as the ultimate revelation of God, the one incarnation of God, and the amazing blessing of grace that offers freedom from the cycle of karma.
I talked about our poisoned human nature (sin) and our need for God’s gracious forgiveness and freedom.
And I talked about the hope of a new creation (as opposed to being set free from the physical), the hope of a new world without sin, without suffering, without evil.
I tried to draw attention to Jesus as the ultimate incarnation, and I tried to give her a taste of grace (as opposed to the bondage of karma).
No, she did not convert, and I did not give an altar call.
But trusting that God is revealing Himself to her through Jesus in creation, and even in her religion, I am now claiming that the seed of Jesus’ name will take root deep in her soul, and that the promise of grace will draw her out of her fear of karma, and into the wonder of being loved by God, despite our karma.
Thank You Jesus for this opportunity to listen, to learn, to love.
Thank You for her positive spirit, her open heart, her willingness to share.
Thank You for how You have already been revealing Your triune nature to her (and to many others).
May the sound of Your Name echo in her heart, and may it produce the fruit of grace in her life.
May she discover the ultimate incarnation of God in You!


  1. That is a beautiful encounter you had Norm.

    Indeed we join with you that God would open Prima’s heart to see Jesus in God’s revelation. Not only that she would see Jesus but see what a difference this piece of the puzzle can make in her life.

  2. And that to me is church in action….. Meeting people where they are at; glorifying God; drawing attention to God; giving testimony to our faith; ushering others into His Presence; being available to serve God……….

    I join you in your prayers for the work that God is doing in Prima’s life and heart.

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