Can you see it?


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“What shall I compare the kingdom of God to? It is like a mustard seed.” (Luke 13:20)
Jesus compares the kingdom of God to a mustard seed and to some yeast.
On the one hand it is small, insignificant, almost invisible.
And yet it packs a punch, and impacts much and many!
Most people have a hard time seeing or sensing the kingdom of God.
The dominion of darkness is so much easier to see and feel.
We might compare Satan’s power to a nuclear bomb, big and destructive.
Or like asphalt over a field, destroying the life beneath it.
But a little sprout breaks through, and SLOWLY breaks up the asphalt.
This is the way God works: subtle, hidden yet inevitable.
Never underestimate the power of love over the power of hate.
Don’t be fooled by Satan’s noisy, crushing presence – God is at work.
God’s kingdom is coming, souls are being saved, evil is unraveling.
Like yeast, its life is pushing, stretching, extending, expanding.
Wait for it, look for it, its only a matter of time before we see it!
Lord, your life cannot be crushed or stopped. Its not IF but WHEN your kingdom comes. Help us to hang on, not lose hope, and to look for the signs of life breaking through the asphalt.


  1. Just a tiny spark – and a forest can be put on fire. So it is with the gospel – as a spark of faith – trust in Jesus as the way – is nurtured in the life of a new believer – it is able to spread and soon others will also hear. It can be snuffed out but if it survives others will also come to believe – and it spreads. Helps us to be faithful to sow seeds – bring people to consider Jesus’ claims that He is the way the truth and the life – so that they too might find the way to the Father!

  2. God’s Kingdom is here and now. It continues to grow but it is not complete at this time. The members of the Kingdom who live for Jesus are His Kingdom workers show His rule by their actions, words and deeds. At all times I need to have the upward look and not the downward look since my Helper is the Lord God Who continues to empower me each day to live for Him. I am Christian by name and others need to see the live of Christ in me as I live for Him. Your Kingdom come Lord. It will be a full Kingdom one day, a restored Kingdom and what a day that will be.

    1 Thy kingdom come, O God,
    thy rule, O Christ, begin;
    break with thine iron rod
    the tyrannies of sin.

    2 Where is thy reign of peace
    and purity and love?
    When shall all hatred cease,
    as in the realms above?

    3 When comes the promised time
    that war shall be no more,
    and lust, oppression, crime
    shall flee thy face before?

    4 We pray thee, Lord, arise,
    and come in thy great might;
    revive our longing eyes,
    which languish for thy sight.

    5 Men scorn thy sacred name,
    and wolves devour thy fold;
    by many deeds of shame
    we learn that love grows cold.

    6 O’er lands both near and far
    thick darkness broodeth yet:
    arise, O Morning Star,
    arise, and never set!

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