Reflections for this week (Nov 20-26)

My sermon this Sunday (Nov 26, 2023) is on Matthew 7:21-29. Here are some of my own observations and applications. You can post your own thoughts about the passage in the ‘Comment’ section below. You can find the sermon videos posted here.

  1. His disciples came to him, and he began to teach them. (Matthew 5:1-2) Today’s reading is the end of what is known as The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7). The main teachings (or words) of Jesus are taught here. If you want to get a good sense of what Jesus is all about, read these chapters. The common thread through all his teaching is love… this is what God-like love looks like, this is what God-like love in action looks like!
  2. Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord’… To call Jesus Lord is to surrender your life to Jesus as your Master. A slave would call their master Lord. To call Jesus Lord, Lord is the same as saying ‘your will is my command’. What you say I will do, where you send I will go.
  3. Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter the kingdom of heaven. If the kingdom of heaven/God is God’s world operated God’s way, not everyone will want to actually live God’s way. They may be very religious, but they are not actually living God’s way, the kingdom way. The kingdom of heaven is not just a future reality, it is a way of living now. May your will be done on earth (here and now), just as it is in heaven. We enter the kingdom life when we commit to living in the way of the king.
  4. Only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. The faithful servant/slave is the one that does the will of their master, not just the ones who say they are faithful servants/slaves. Calling ourselves Christians/Jesus followers does not make us Christians/Jesus followers.
  5. Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles? These people sound like leaders, people who preach (prophesy), cast out demons, and perform miracles. These people were very religious, and saw themselves as doing God’s work. Have you ever known someone that was very religious, and did a lot of big things in Jesus’s name… and yet did not speak or act in God-like or Jesus-like ways?
  6. Away from me, you evildoers! They saw themselves as good-doers, but Jesus calls them evil-doers. There was something hurtful and hateful in how they did what they did. I am imagining a preacher who judges and condemns people through their sermons… in Jesus name. I am imagining christians casting out demons through inquisitions and witch trials – burning those demons on the stake in Jesus’s name. I am imaging televangelists contriving/faking miracles… in Jesus name. In all these cases, it is not God-like love that is at work, but loveless self-interest.
  7. Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Jesus does not know them, he does not recognize them as Jesus followers because they are not actually following the Jesus way of the kingdom, the way of humble, gracious love. If we do not show the love of Jesus in how we live, there is something unhealthy about how we know Jesus. We are not relating to Jesus in love if we are not relating to others in love.
  8. Whoever hears these words of mine. What strikes me is that Jesus equates his words with the will of the Father in heaven. He compares his wisdom to the wisdom of God. Is this why the people were amazed, because he dared to speak with the authority of God (v.28-29)?
  9. These words of mine. Jesus said many things. Matthew conveniently groups them together in one extended message (Matthew 5-7). If you just read this, you will get a good sense of what Jesus said. And it is very strong and clear: love, forgive, be generous, do not judge, go the extra mile, turn the other cheek, don’t cheat or lie, don’t love possessions more than people, and so on.
  10. These words of mine. As I see Jesus, his words are the clearest revelation of God’s will. More clear than Moses, more clear than Paul. Moses anticipates what Jesus says in his own time and context, and Paul applies what Jesus says in his own time and context. We can learn from them, but we should listen to Jesus and apply what he says in our our own time and context. Jesus is the lens and filter through which I read the rest of the bible. What matters to me most of all are the words of Jesus.
  11. And puts them into practice. I read this line two ways. First, it is not enough to say ‘Lord, Lord’, we have to do what Jesus says (Luke 6:46). Jesus expects that we will not only admire his way/teaching, but that we will live it out. Look at the list above… are we actually living this way?
  12. And puts them into practice. Second, I do not grow or improve in something unless I practice it. Practicing hockey or piano is what develops the skills, not just trying it out in the moment. Dallas Willard talks about training vs trying. Wayne Gretsky did not do what he did just by trying; he had to train. This requires spiritual disciplines or practices.
  13. Into practice. Generosity does not come just by trying, it takes practice. If I recognize that I am weak in generosity, what practices am I developing to train me to be more generous?
  14. Built his house upon a rock. Jesus sees his teaching as solid and reliable. It is not just rules to follow, it is wisdom, it is the best way to live. When I face challenges or storms, the best thing I can do is: be loving, generous, kind, forgiving, faithful, non-judgmental, non-violent, trusting, prayerful. Doing this is not just right, it is wise and beneficial, the better/best way to live.
  15. I knew you! I want Jesus to know me, and I want to know Jesus… not just with my words (‘Lord, Lord’) but with my life… by putting his words into practice. I have a long way to go. I am not that generous, I struggle to forgive, loving some people is very hard for me, and I am naturally vengeful, wanting to hurt those who hurt me. What I know of Jesus, I want to know and experience for myself. I can’t do this myself, which is why I am glad I know Jesus.
  16. ‘Lord Lord, you know me; I’m the one that kept on looking to you for guidance, help, patience and forgiveness. I know you, and I want to be like you, to do what you did. I’m stumbling and failing, but I’m trying and training.  Don’t give up on me, and help me not to give up on you!’

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