Making preparations!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Where is my guest room, where I may eat the Passover with my disciples?” (Mark 14:14)
We are making arrangements to celebrate Christmas with my side of the family.
Finding a date and a place, making the food arrangements… it takes planning.
We do it because it is a joy and a blessing to celebrate this special time together.
As I see this story, Jesus made arrangements for this special occasion.
Even though he eats with his disciples every day, he made special plans for this day.
Passover was a time to appreciate God’s grace and provision through adversity.
The rescue from Egypt symbolized God’s purpose and promise to restore and bless them.
Jesus knows his own place in the plan, and wants to share it with those who are with him.
This is symbolic for me of God’s heart and desire for me, for us, for all people.
“My Father’s house has many rooms… I am going there to prepare a place for you.” (John 14:2)
Jesus is preparing a place for us to live with God in the fellowship of grace and love.
We ourselves do not know the specifics of this place, but Jesus does… and it will be good.
This invitation is open to any and all who want it, because grace is still the entrance fee.
As Jesus’s invited guests, we are urged to invite and welcome others to share the joy!
Lord, the arrangements are made, You are standing at the table with arms open wide. May your disciples not make it hard for people to join you at your table.


  1. “The disciples left, went into the city and found things just as Jesus had told them.” Jesus had it all planned. We don’t know how he did it – like most things – after all He is the son of God. Jesus prepares receptive hearts for us to reach out to. Things happen in our lives that enable us to share. We have opportunities to be a blessing to people around us. Help us to help those we meet to find Jesus. It is the HS that cultivates the hearts when we share – when people hear about Jesus or read about him in Bible – especially the accounts by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Prepare the hearts of those we meet Lord – use us to plant seeds of the Kingdom!

  2. Making preparations.
    The bread and the wine. Universal food during His time on earth. This was to remind His followers that He gave His body to pay for our sins. And the wine was to remind us of the blood He shed. So today I am reminded what Christ has done for me whenever I eat bread or drink a glass of wine. It reminds me that He offered Himself for me and I am forgiven and I can have a new life with Him forever. PTL.

    1 Come to the Savior now,
    he gently calls to you;
    in true repentance bow,
    let him your heart renew.
    Christ came that you may know
    salvation, peace, and love,
    true joy on earth below,
    a home in heaven above.

    2 Come to the Savior now,
    all who have wandered far;
    renew your solemn vow,
    for his by right you are;
    come like poor, wandering sheep
    returning to his fold;
    his arm will safely keep,
    his love will ne’er grow cold.

    3 Come to the Savior, now,
    he offers all to you,
    and on his merits you
    can plead for life anew.
    No vain excuses frame,
    respond to Christ today!
    None who to Jesus came
    were ever sent away.

    4 Come to the Savior, all,
    whate’er your burdens be;
    hear now His loving call,
    “Cast all your care on me.”
    Come, and for every grief,
    in Jesus you will find
    a sure and safe relief,
    a loving friend and kind.

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