I still bring people to Jesus!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“They begged him to let them touch even the edge of his cloak…” (Mark 6:56)
These people are desperate for their loved ones, and hopeful towards Jesus.
I can relate to them, for I have also desperately pleaded for Jesus to heal people.
Just a touch, just a word, just a nod, and it could happen… but it never did.
At least not right away, and not in a way that I knew it happened.
You may have heard stories about miraculous healings; I have too.
But when your desperate, you want to experience it, not just hear about it!
Some might argue I am doing it wrong, I need to claim it, or pray in Jesus’s Name.
Or some might say my faith is not strong enough, that I am doubting (James 1:6-8).
Did these people have saving faith, had they surrendered to Jesus as Lord?
Their faith was limited, tiny like a mustard seed; it was more desperation than belief.
This is all that God asks of us, to hunger and thirst for rightness and goodness.
It is not our faith that saves or heals us, it is Jesus’s love and goodness.
Regardless of the strength of our faith, he sees our desperation and embraces all people!
I still bring people to Jesus because I want them to know this Jesus, who loves all people.
Lord, we are desperate without you. Please reach out and touch especially those who are struggling and stumbling. Help them to experience your love and goodness!

One Comment

  1. Wherever Jesus went “people recognized Jesus”. They saw him as the miracle man – as the healer. We as believers/followers of Jesus also carry words of life – we can bring Jesus near to those who do not know. Sure we don’t have the same impact – most times we don’t know what impact what we do or say makes a difference – a conversation I had yesterday with someone who was questioning about God and religion – I pray the words and thoughts and testimony I shared may have been used by the HS to bring healing to the person I talked to. I brought her to Jesus – will she recognize him – I pray that she will be stimulated by the HS – so that she will recognize Jesus for who he is – the saviour! In the meantime, I must be faithful to bring people somehow to consider and come to know that Jesus was near!

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