Let him in the boat!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Then he climbed into the boat with them, and the wind died down.” (Mark 6:51)
There are storms and challenges in life, sapping us of courage as we strain at the oars.
I have not seen a ghost-like figure of Jesus, but ghost-like thoughts about Jesus occur.
I sense within me the call, ‘look to call, reach out to me, trust me!’
When I do, Jesus whispers “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” (Mark 6:50)
When Jesus is in the boat with me, the storms within me seem to die down.
Even if the stormy situation doesn’t change, their is a calm in the boat.
The disciples were to encounter many more storms, storms that did not die down.
Each of them would eventually be persecuted and martyred for their hope in Jesus.
But they had an inner peace that no storm or crisis could take from them.
They experienced “the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:7)
Currently I am not in a storm, but I am straining and losing courage.
I hear Jesus whispering to me, and asking me to let him in the boat.
Will I let him climb in the boat with me, so that this wind can die down?
Lord, I sense your invisible yet real voice whispering to me in today’s reading, “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” Please come in the boat with me!

One Comment

  1. I do get afraid – I do get anxious – it seems like it is in my gut to bet anxious. Yet I do know Jesus is in my boat – I am touched by the HS! Yet I feel I don’t deserve to be touched by the HS – therefore, I get anxious. How often do I test the reliability of the HS?? Why do I? I have to trust more and more – and I do – but I still have my anxious moments. Lord help me overcome my anxiety – help me to face it boldly – not in my strength but yours I pray!

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