Welcome to the grace table!

PLEASE READ THIS FIRST: Matthew 26:17-30

What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“While they were eating, he said, “Truly I tell you, one of you will betray me.” (Matthew 26:21)
Here is Jesus, eating God’s grace meal (Passover) with his followers whom he loves.
He has spent long hours pouring himself into them, loving and serving them.
Yet as he eats and drinks with them, he knows that they will all run away at some point.
And one of them – he knows who – will give him over the the authorities.
Would you calmly sit at the table, welcome them to the table, and grace them still?
“Drink from it, all of you… for the forgiveness of sins.” (Matthew 26:27-28)
A covenant, like a marriage, is a loyal bond of love for better and for worse.
It is a decision to stick together, even when the other fails or betrays you.
God has covenanted with us through Jesus to stick with us, even when we fail.
God’s family in Jesus is a gathering of flawed and failing Jesus followers.
Yet Jesus sits with us still and says, ‘drink from it, ALL OF YOU!’
The open table of Jesus is what inspires me to come… and to welcome others.
Yes, some will come who will fall away, some will come who even betray Jesus.
But if I am welcome at his grace table just as I am, should they not be too?
Lord, I get to sit with and eat and drink with you because of your loyal love and grace. May I not withhold the cup of grace from others, when I am not deserving either.


  1. Jesus takes the cup and he offers it to all and says: “This is my blood of the[a] covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.” For many. Jesus life (blood) given on the cross – is what He poured out for me. Thank you Jesus that this is what I may remember each time I take the cup of Holy Communion. It points me to the day when we will be taking it with you when we are transformed to our new life. Thank you Jesus for the hope I have in you! Help me to share it so that others will want it too!

  2. Jesus’ followers – what a bunch. Eating together for the last time. Those who remained true and those who fell away. Yet they ate together and Jesus knew each and every one to their core. How often don’t we/I criticize or say negative things about some who come to the Lord’s table when I should be talking to myself. If God graciously accepts me with all my sins why not others? His grace is for all.

    Come to the Savior now,
    he gently calls to you;
    in true repentance bow,
    let him your heart renew.
    Christ came that you may know
    salvation, peace, and love,
    true joy on earth below,
    a home in heaven above.

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