Radical love produces radical love!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Wherever this gospel is preached throughout the world…” (Matthew 26:13)
Jesus is at the house of Simon the leper (v.6), and is a Pharisee too (Luke 7:36,40).
A woman bathes Jesus’s feet with perfume and tears, and wipes his feet with her hair.
This woman was Mary, Lazarus’s sister (John 11:2), and a sinful woman (Luke 7:37).
Each gospel writer tells this story as they record their life of Jesus (gospel).
“…what she has done will also be told, in memory of her.” (Matthew 26:13)
Why is this story so important when preaching the gospel throughout the world?
My guess is that this keeps the focus on Jesus when we share the good news.
It is our life-changing experience with Jesus that motivates us to love.
Having been freely loved, despite the record of our ‘sinful life’, we becoming loving.
Jesus loves Mary, and Jesus loves the leprous Pharisee Simon.
But Mary responds with love, while the Pharisees (and Simon) do not (Luke 7:47).
That love for Jesus will also respond to the poor, and we have a lifetime to do it.
If our love for Jesus does not also lead to love of the poor, then something is wrong.
Does my life express love for Jesus, AND for the poor that Jesus loved so much?
Lord, whenever I preach this gospel of your radical love, may I also talk about how this love transforms us into radical love for you and for others! This is good news for the world!


  1. “She has done a beautiful thing to me” – what a demonstration of thanksgiving – she was so thankful to Jesus. We don’t know the details but she wanted Jesus to know and at the same time she was an instrument to prophecy of Jesus upcoming death. Jesus knew this would be recorded in the Gospels so that we can read of her deep genuine love and gratitude for what Jesus did for her. When I think about it deeply – I owe Jesus my life – now and forevermore. O Jesus help me love you and serve you by giving myself in service to your kingdom and especially to the poor and the victims of injustice!!

  2. The disciples didn’t complain about being in the house of Simon the leper and yet they complained about the expense of the oil poured onto Jesus. Jesus went to his house on purpose. His name too is remembered in this story. She honoured our Lord and Jesus honoured him who was not accepted in the society. I have to do both – love God – love one another. The love of God needs to be shared to all. Othersneed to able to tell that we/I am His by my love.

    We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord;
    We are one int he Spirit, we are one in the Lord;
    And we pray that all unity will one day be restored.

    Chorus: And they’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love,
    yes, they’ll know we are Christians by our love.

    We will walk with each other, we will walk hand in hand;
    We will walk with each other, we will walk hand in hand;
    And together we’ll spread the news that God is in our land.

    We Will work with each other, we will work side by side;
    We will work with each other, we will work side by side;
    And we’ll guard each man’s dignity and save each man’s pride.

    All praise to the Father, from whom all things come;
    And all praise to Christ Jesus, His only Son.
    And all praise to the Spirit who makes us one.

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