Which path am I pursuing?


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt. ” (Daniel 12:10)
Who are the kings, who is the prince of Persia, what is the abomination?
Personally, though some theories are interesting, I do not get into them.
This detailed vision was meant to encourage the exiles, not bewilder them.
None of them who received it would be able to figure it out; not even Daniel.
But they didn’t need to – nor do we – for that’s not the point.
What is clear is that every detail of history is part of an unfolding plan.
God is at work behind the scenes on behalf of his family, to restore them.
Those who cling to evil will inherit evil; those who cling to God will receive life!
In this time before the end, when selfishness still flourishes, what do we pursue?
We are exiles too, and we must also choose which path and direction to seek.
Will we cling to the Lord, hope in him, and follow him towards goodness and love?
Or will give in to selfish, sinful living, looking out for #1?
The Lord is directing history towards goodness and love… are we seeking that too?
Jesus (not the church) shows us the better way, will we trust and follow him?
Lord, we all find what we seek, everlasting goodness or everlasting selfishness. Help me to seek what you seek, and work for what you are working for.


  1. When I read this – I think of history and of the strife today – and I take comfort in the words of Michael: “As for you, go your way till the end. You will rest, and then at the end of the days you will rise to receive your allotted inheritance.” All the things that have happened and the wars and disasters and people victimized and killed – the droughts and floods etc. all of it scary – but I need not fear. My God reigns – my Jesus shelters me and guides me with his spirit!

  2. Kingdoms rise and fall. The leaders may be very powerful but they too will fall since they are full of themselves. They have become their own god. Their way will be brought to naught. God’s people need to remain faithful until the end. They will receive their inheritance to reign with Him forevermore. Follow the King of kings. He is victorious. He will reign forevermore. Live for Jesus.

    Seek ye first the Kingdom of God
    And His righteousness
    And all these things shall be added unto you
    Allelu Alleluia

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