What kind of tenant am I?


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“They treated him shamefully and sent away empty-handed. ” (Luke 20:11)
Jesus uses this parable to describe how God set up the kingdom of this world.
God is the owner (and creator), and we are the entrusted tenants or stewards.
God wants to share the blessings with us, but we want to keep it ourselves.
Jesus is not speaking to just the religious leaders, he is speaking to us.
God wants to share in the fruit of his blessings in our lives.
He desires to see love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, etc. at work.
He wants to see his gifts being used for good, to make this world a better place.
In general this is not what we see… instead we see the human disaster.
God’s family is beaten, treated shamefully, left empty-handed, wounded and killed.
Jesus came as God’s final invitation and warning: to join him, or to lose it all!
Jesus still comes to us through people in need, asking to share God’s blessings.
He is looking at us through their eyes, asking me: what kind of tenant are you?
Am I being selfish or generous, serving God’s kingdom dream or my own?
If someone in need comes to me, do I shame them or send them empty-handed?
Lord, help me to see every opportunity to bless someone as you coming to me to ask me to share in the fruit of your blessings. Help me to be a generous tenant, not a greedy one.


  1. God has entrusted me with much – especially with knowledge of salvation – with a connection to the Father and the gift of the HS. Do I keep it for myself? Am I not responsible for all these gifts as a steward answerable to the Master – to Jesus? Yes I am. It behooves me to check on my performance – even though it’s not about performance that is conditioned on my salvation – rather my gratitude for what I’ve be given is evident in my generosity with God’s grace to me. Lord help my overcome my stinginess – help me to give of myself to others for the sake of the kingdom – that others may join in knowing you, Jesus!

  2. Lord help us remember that there are consequences to every decision. Help live as someone your son died for!

    Why was the audience more so concerned when the landlord killed the tenants instead of when the tenants killed the loved son?

  3. This is my Father’s world. I am in His world to use the gifts He has given me for Kingdom service. He entrusts me with the gifts for His service. God provides. Today once again I need to work joyfully in His presence in His service sharing of the blessings received to those around me being an instrument of His peace. Happiness is – living each day in His presence.

    Make me a servant, Humble and meek,
    Lord, let me lift up those who are weak,
    And may the prayer of my heart always be:
    Make me a servant today.

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