Jan 2 — Revelation 12:10-13:1

SCRIPTURE: Revelation 12:10-13:1

Jesus is declared the winner. Those who believe in Him and testify to Him, despite persecution and death, are the overcomers! But the devil knows his days are numbered, and so he is on the rampage. The church is empowered (wings of the Spirit?) and protected, as long as they remains close to their Lord. The serpent/dragon attacks, repeatedly, viciously. The creation itself helps God’s people. This all a symbolic way of saying that believers will be attacked, but with God’s help they can and will overcome. Satan’s days are numbered.

Do I rely on the power of the Spirit? Do I seek the Lord in the quiet, safe place (i.e. time alone with Him)? Or do I enter battlefield earth unprepared, unprotected, unconcerned. The enemy is on the prowl, like a lion, looking for someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8-9). He is defeated and chained, but woe to those who wander to close, away from the protection of their Lord. I can relate. How often do I enter each day, relying on my own wits and giftedness? Those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength and mount up with wings like eagles (Isaiah 40:30-31) Why am I not soaring?

Lord, I know the answer to that last question. Forgive me for not seeking Your help, Your strength, and for relying on myself. Help me to daily, intentionally, seriously seek Your first. Amen.

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