Weak in the knees before Jesus!

THE STORY OF JESUS: 2 Samuel 1-4
“And today, though I am the anointed king, I am weak…” (2 Samuel 3:39)
As a follower of Jesus, I am drawn to His strength of character and depth of love.
I am not drawn to Jesus because of His followers, nor because I am so strong.
In fact, those who gather around Jesus are weak, even if we are God’s children.
Like David, though we are God’s anointed, we are weak.
These stories of David and Israel are not lessons in godly morality.
David has moments where he shines, and moments where he stinks.
In one moment he sings odes to love, the next he demands vengeance in blood.
We should not be surprised at this, even if these stories are in the bible.
The bible tells the truth – the truth about our weakness and shame.
All the sordid stories of scripture reveal to us our weakness, and our need for Jesus.
Only Jesus stands out among all the people of the bible as good and God-like.
David, the very best that God’s people could produce, was still weak.
David man of weakness and violence kneels before Jesus man of grace and truth.
Will you in your weakness kneel before Jesus too?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, of all the people in all the bible, only You stand out as a truly good king. Thank You for letting weak people like me follow You.


  1. Thanks Tony!
    A good point about praying for our leaders. Paul’s reminder about submitting to our leaders (Romans 13:1-7) and his call to pray for “kings and all those in authority” (1 Timothy 2:2) was given in regard to the violent, cruel, ungodly Caesars of his day. If even THEY are the Lord’s servants, then how can we as Jesus followers speak unlovingly of our leaders today. This does not mean supporting them in their ways, but graciously praying for change of heart and mind and life… to be in tune with His Way!

  2. I am reminded once again to pray for the leaders of the country. To kill the Lord’s anointed can be done in many ways – not only in a physical act but also with the words and actions we do. Pray for the leaders of governments so that they may be in tune with His Way.
    I as a Christ follower need to pray for the leaders of this land that they may be used His purposes to fulfill and not their own desires.
    David, a man of God’s choosing, had the promises of God telling him of his coming reign. Yet David also worked that plan according to his own desires.
    We all fall away from His Way.
    And yet we are able to return to our Refuge and Strength. During this season we again are reminded of what the Lord has done for us. For me.
    I need to live daily in His Light and others need to see that Light also shining in me. God is in charge and I need to live as His follower. I can only do that we I dress myself each day with His armour.

    1 Have thine own way, Lord! Have thine own way!
    Thou art the potter, I am the clay.
    Mold me and make me after thy will,
    while I am waiting, yielded and still.

    2 Have thine own way, Lord! Have thine own way!
    Search me and try me, Savior today!
    Wash me just now, Lord, wash me just now,
    as in thy presence humbly I bow.

    3 Have thine own way, Lord! Have thine own way!
    Wounded and weary, help me I pray!
    Power, all power, surely is thine!
    Touch me and heal me, Savior divine!

    4 Have thine own way, Lord! Have thine own way!
    Hold o’er my being absolute sway.
    Fill with thy Spirit till all shall see
    Christ only, always, living in me!

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