A time for everything!

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

After 17 years of reading through scripture with Jesus in my desire to find and follow His Way, I have decided that the time has come to end. Something new may come out of this, but the daily bible reflections are finished as of today.

This has been an amazing part of my journey of faith, allowing me to read and reflect daily on the whole bible five times. Thank you to all of you who have joined me, especially Tony and Rick who daily posted their own comments. Tony has been with me from the beginning, and it was him that kept me going, knowing that he would always be there waiting to respond. This support and accountability made all the difference.

Please keep on reading scripture with Jesus, and keep on asking yourself: What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

May the Lord bless us all as we walk with him, trying to find His Way!


  1. I too shall miss your and Tony’s and some others’ insights. I have learned so much – and it was an accountability piece for me as well. Thank you Norm. I’m going to start my own devotional diary to fill the gap – you habit of journaling persuades me that it is time for me do so as well! Again thanks!

  2. Thank you for your diligence and insights and challenges. It has been a great journey. My we all find ways that we dig deeper into the Word and live our daily lives out of that Word – living for Jesus. Pilgrim’s Progress – as we journey serving Him – looking at the Light which leads us each day as we face the challenges of the day. Follow the Leader – Jesus Christ – our risen Saviour – and let His LightShine.

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