Nov 24 — Revelation 2:1-11

SCRIPTURE: Revelation 2:1-11

Two churches, both of which were “on fire” for the Lord. The believers in Ephesus were zealous for the Lord, yet somehow they had fallen from their first love. Jesus’ warning about removing their lampstand is not a threat for revenge, but a warning that when the flame is not tended, the lamp goes out, and the witness is lost. These words serve as a warning to keep on being zealous and fervent in the Lord, and not allow our original passion to dwindle, because it will have negative consequences.

The believers in Smyrna were also on fire, literally! They were being persecuted – possibly burned on a stake (Nero apparently used Christ-followers as lamps in his garden). The Lord urges them to remain firm and steadfast, not allowing persecution to defeat them, for they would inherit the crown of life. Sad to say, it was those who were claiming to serve God (not real Jews since they were not being true to Abraham, a synagogue of Satan). Jesus shows that our temporal death is nothing compared to the second (eternal) death.

Wow, am I prepared to be passionate, even to the point of ridicule and suffering and death. I am so hesitant to take any risks, lest I experience rejection. Has my lamp grown weak, is it burning at all. I need to be reignited for the Lord!

Lord, thank You for daily reminders that life without You is empty and dissatisying. And thank You for patiently recalling me to You, my first love, and to living for You, no matter what! Amen.

One Comment

  1. Letters to two churches with two different messgaes.

    The first letter to the loveless church praises them for their faithfulness to the Word and to the Lord. As my study bible points out, they had endured persecution and were able to discern the character of people claiming to be apostles. They are being chastised for being a loveless church.

    “Thier passion and fervor for Christ had become cold, turning to a
    mechanical orthodoxy. Their moral purity, undiminished zeal for
    truth, and thier disciplined service were no substitute for the love
    for Christ they had forsaken.” – James MacArthur

    What a reminder to not only strive for right doctrine but to stay fervent in our service to Christ our Lord. To Love him and follow His example. We cannot be a loveless church if Christ’s summary of the law was a message of LOVE. We must not only believe and understand it but also live it.

    The second letter is to the persecuted church.
    Do not be afraid. You will overcome. Many rise against you but be faithful.
    Tough words to hear when you are facing imprisonment and possible death but it gives them the assurance of their rewards for faithfulness.

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