Where my confidence lies!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

I have been… dedicated to God from my mother’s womb.” (Judges 16:17)
A Nazirite was dedicated to God (like a monk or nun, Numbers 6:1-21).
They would not cut their hair, drink wine or touch dead bodies.
But Samson was a loose cannon, not a model of devotion or integrity.
As a Jesus-follower, I am devoted to serving Jesus in a Jesus-like way.
But I also know that I am not doing this well, that I still mess up.
Samson reminds me how the Lord can use even sinners.
But there are still consequences for giving in to sinful desires.
Samson was so self-confident he started to think he was unstoppable.
Do we also live recklessly, assuming the Lord will protect us?
Our confidence cannot be in ourselves; our confidence is Jesus!
Jesus is our model of perfect devotion – not Samson, not me.
He is the perfect Nazirite who stayed true to God to the end.
He calls me to work with him, and promises to use me in my weakness.
I am devoted to Jesus… but his devotion, not mine, is my real hope!
Lord, it is easy to see where I am more like Samson than you. Thank you for still using me to bring down the pillars of sin and suffering.


  1. The scripture says that Samson “He had led[h] Israel twenty years.” But the leading left me sad about his leading. Though he was a Nizirite – but his dedication to it was also so spotty. He fell into temptation and spurned the source of his strength – but in his death – he willingly sacrificed his life if God would just once more bless him with strength. I see in Samson – the human condition – we are human and sinners and we fall – but we are forgiven in Jesus when we own up to our disobedience! Lord help me stay on track – to live within the presence of your Holy Spirit! It was the source of Samson’s strength and so also mine!

  2. Samson was set aside as a Nazirite, dedicated to God. However he fell by the wayside doing what he pleased rather than pleasing the Lord. I too have been dedicated to the Lord to serve Him and I too have fallen by the wayside serving my desires rather than serving the Lord. Yet through the Lord I am redeemed to serve Him. Each day anew I need to ask the Lord to be my Redeemer King so that my focus is not on myself and my desires but on serving my Master. His Spirit I need to lead me and guide me. I need to prayerfully live my life to serve Him which is only possible in His name.

    1 All that I am I owe to Thee;
    Thy wisdom, Lord, has fashioned me.
    I give my Maker thankful praise,
    whose wondrous works my soul amaze.

    2 Ere into being I was brought,
    Thine eye did see, and in Thy thought
    my life in all its perfect plan
    was ordered ere my days began.

    3 Thy thoughts, O God, how manifold,
    more precious unto me than gold!
    I muse on their infinity,
    awaking I am still with Thee.

    4 The wicked Thou wilt surely slay;
    from me let sinners turn away.
    They speak against the Name divine;
    I count God’s enemies as mine.

    5 Search me, O God, my heart discern;
    try me, my inmost thought to learn;
    and lead me, if in sin I stray,
    to choose the everlasting way.

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