Dec 16 — Luke 1:1-4

Welcome to Jill Hamming, a friend of mine from Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, and a regular participant on this web page. She will share her reflections on the readings from Luke 1-2.

SCRIPTURE: Luke 1:1-4

Wouldn’t it be interesting to be able to read all those ‘many’ accounts of Jesus’ life on earth? Luke was a doctor a friend and a travel companion of Paul. He would have had had access to many eyewitnesses including Mary, the mother of Jesus. Luke gives us details and what seem to be word for word accounts of conversations and/or prophecies. Theophelus was a Roman official. Luke wants to assure Theophelus that what he has heard is true. These amazing events, which we are going to read about, really happened.

Mark and John skip over the events of Jesus’ birth. Luke has the most details but I still have so many questions. [What do angels look like? Was Zechariah able to communicate what had happened in the temple to Elizabeth? Why did Mary and Joseph not get punished when she was found to be pregnant?]

We hear these verses so many times they can become colorless. Or we picture plays we have seen that romanticize the journey to Bethlehem and the birth -with no dirt or pain or stress.

Dear Lord; Thank-you for the Gospels. Thank-you for this account of Jesus’ birth. Please Lord; enable me to see it with fresh eyes. Teach me what You want me to learn over this Christmas season. I praise You Jesus that You came in your way and Your time for the endless good of us all. How could You stand to leave the Father’s side even though He was still with You? Thank-you that You came, Amen.

One Comment

  1. The gospel of Luke was written to Theophilus who most likely needed reassurance. Although others had already written about the life of Christ, Luke hoped to strengthen Theophilus’ faith. Luke wanted to get the story right and therefor investigated everything from the beginning. All what he did was to increase the certainity of all the happenings which did occur.

    Each year I hear the Christmas story. I thank God for all the different media He has given us to hear the story anew – whether audio, visual. Each year I learn something new about the story which opens my eyes that I may see more clearly. May I too, as Your Word says, may know the certainity of the things you have been taught!

    Come to Bethlehem and see
    Christ Whose birth the angels sing;
    Come, adore on bended knee,
    Christ the Lord, the newborn King.
    Gloria, in excelsis Deo!
    Gloria, in excelsis Deo!

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