Mar 24 — John 3:1-21

SCRIPTURE: John 3:1-21

Nicodemus seems to be a genuine seeker, he comes at night because he is afraid of his peers. He shows up again after Jesus dies (John 19:39), helping to bury Jesus.
Jesus answers Nicodemus in a mysterious way, in a way that confuses him. This seems to be Jesus pattern, speaking in parables to humble the wise and proud (Matthew 13:10-17).
In Jesus’s comments, He separates between two types of people: born again, not born again; those who believe, those who do not believe; those who are saved, those who perish; those who accept Jesus, those who reject Him; those who come to the light, those who avoid the light.
To be born again is literally “born from above”, i.e. a spiritual birth resulting from something God (by His Spirit) does within us.
“Water and Spirit” probably refer to baptism, the symbol that represents our union with Christ.

Where do I stand in relation to Jesus? Do I truly surrender myself to Him, looking to Him for help, for healing, for forgiveness, for hope, for victory over sin, death and hell?
Do I pay attention to spiritual matters, or am I (like Nicodemus) so wrapped up in material concerns that I can’t even understand spiritual things?
Where is the Lord shining the light in me, and am I resisting it or welcoming it, am I allowing God to change me from the inside out?
Is it fair or right to separate people into two groups – those who are saved and those who are not?

Lord, I sense that You are a work in me, Your Spirit stirring in my spirit. But often like Nicodemus I am distracted and confused by my pride, my wisdom, my worldly interests. Help me to step into Your light, and help me to change! Amen.


  1. I am reading this as I am preparing for our Alpha guests to arrive for our “retreat”. Thank you Lord for setting it up so I could read this passage and be reminded and encouraged that it is a mystery how we are born again and yet that’s exactly what we need to see you and have a relationship with you. May all the Nichodemus’s coming today including myself be open to the ruach of the Spirit and may we surrender our lives again to heavenly things and be born from above. Come Holy Spirit. Fill us and reveal to us the depth, height,width and length of the love of God for his children. Thank you for this word this morning. Open our eyes Lord. We want to see Jesus.

  2. Nicodemus came to the Lord in the night because he didn’t want to be seen. How often am I ashamed of the Gospel, being like a Peter, denying my Savour by my words and/or my actions?

    Christ’s answer to Nicodemus was to be born again. I too need that rebirth. I too need a clean heart so that my focus is not of the things of this world, but of things that are above. That is only possible through the work of His Holy Spirit within me. As the children of Israel needed the upward look of the brazen snake to receive God’s healing power, so I too need the upward look. I need a new heart with the indwelling of His Spirit so that focus each day anew is to serve Him in all that I say and do. Create in me a new heart Oh God so that I may never be ashamed of the Gospel. Help me on my journey of learning to walk daily in Your Light. Help me to see Jesus. Help me in my Living for Jesus.

    Open the eyes of my heart
    I want to see You
    I want to see You

    To see You high and lifted up
    Shinin’ in the light of Your glory
    Pour out Your power and love
    As we sing holy, holy, holy

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