Feb 12 — 1 Corinthians 10:1-22

SCRIPTURE: 1 Corinthians 10:1-22

Paul uses OT Israel as an example for those who were too cocky and casual about dabbling in sinful, immoral practices.
He warns them that just because they were baptized and share in Christ through the Lord’s Supper, that doesn’t mean they cannot fall – look how many OT followers fell into judgment even though they participated in their own ‘baptism’ and ‘supper’.
Don’t think you’re OK and standing firm, that’s when you are most likely to fall.
The issue Paul addresses is participating in the idol feasts as if it didn’t matter – the idols aren’t real but the demons behind them are!
By participating in these feasts (pagan parties) they are becoming one (having communion) with Satan.
Paul’s focus is ‘how can I serve as many as possible for Christ’, not ‘how much can I get away with and still be a Christian’.

I need to realize that even though I am saved, I am still in serious danger of temptation, of falling into Satan’s traps, of compromising my union with Jesus.
Temptations are common, but God always provides a way out, and designs these trials according to my strength and knowledge – if I use them!
Are there ways where I am compromising my union with Christ by dabbling in demonic practices – how about the forms of entertainment I use (tv, movies, internet sites, parties, gambling)?

Lord, please forgive me for assuming that I can handle sin and temptation in my own strength. Help me not to dishonour You by casually, carelessly allowing unholy thoughts, words or deeds enter my life. I want to honour You with my life! Amen.


  1. I think the part that greatest stands out to me is how I have no excuses for my sin. God makes it clear when He says “He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear, when you are tempted He will ALWAYS provide a way out.” There’s no way to sin and not take responsibility for it. It’s also a challenge. The next time we’re tempted, take a closer look. It seems as though the walls are closing in, but find the out, there will always be one.
    Another piece that is a hard to read is “You cannot be part of the Lord’s table, and the table of demons.” I cannot get over the number of times we all shrug of evil like it’s no big deal. “It’s just one movie, it’s only one song, it’s only a quick peek” we say. I don’t think we put in near the amount of thought we should when making our choices. After reading this passage, not only are we “taking a quick peek”, we’re drinking of the cup of demons. Doesn’t sound so quick or little that way does it? I just read a passage in another book today regarding music. The lead singer of a metal band that sings about horror films states “Nobody gives Steven Speilberg any grief about making a movie, why do people give us grief for singing about it?” So ridiculously true! How come we can justify that material as evil in music, but we get a kick out of watching it in a movie? It doesn’t matter how you’re sitting at the table, you’re still sitting at the table of demons….

  2. I need to learn from HIStory. God did marvelous deeds to His people in past days -led them by the cloud, led them through the sea. God was with His people. Yet their hearts were cold. They did what was right in their own eyes. Pleasure seekers. Living in the world. I am set apart from the world.
    As I Live for Jesus, I must seek first His Kingdom with all my heart. God is my Refuge and Strength. He is my Fortress, my Rock, my Provider. I need to start the day with the Lord for that will affect my journey. I may never depend upon my own strength but on the power that is within me to do good. Thank You Lord for the gift of Your Spirit. I constantly need to live with my eyes focussed on Jesus Who is my All in All. Each day I need to strive to do His will, asking whether it is of God or man.
    Help me each day anew, Lord, to seek You with all my heart and not to lean upon my own understandings. Help me to do your will and keep me on the straight and narrow.

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