His hand is with me too!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Luke 1:57-66
“For the Lord’s hand was with him.” (Luke 1:66)
As I read this verse, I sense the Lord saying the same to me.
Believe it or not, the Lord’s hand is with me too.
Not for my own gain or advantage, but to fulfill His purpose for me.
Like John, you and I also have a job to do for the Lord.
“One who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than John.” (Luke 7:28)
I make no claims to greatness, but God wants to use me too.
God has always enjoyed making a big impact through little people.
His hand increases the impact of what their little hands do.
A word of hope, an act of kindness, a listening ear.
John prepared the way for Jesus, but in a sense we do too.
As Jesus followers, our actions open the way for Jesus to work.
In the Lord’s hands, our little words and deeds become significant.
I am encouraged to remember that His hand is with me too.
May this inspire me to use my hands to do good for Him!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I offer my hands to You again. May Your hand make their impact great!


  1. A name.
    Parents today still quibble when naming their new child.
    Zech’s son was named from above.
    John means the Lord is gracious.
    Each birth, even today is a miracle and shows God’s love and mercy and grace.
    Do I still remember the naming process of our kids how we too saw God at work giving these gifts to us? Do I still see God at work in them and in me?
    I need to continue to live for Jesus for all I have is His. All that I possess is His. I need to thank Him daily for all what He has done in my life.
    And I, I need to bring Him glory in all I do and say.
    May others who read me, see that I am a living letter for Christ – an epistle – read by all.

    Take my heart and mold it
    Take my mind, transform it
    Take my will, conform it
    To Yours (To Yours) Oh, Lord

  2. I’m thinking of a situation that I am in right now, where Satan is working to hurt and hinder two people, turning them against each other. I am frustrated by the situation. I am also hesitant to step into it, out of fear of making it worse. This reflection is gently challenging me to rethink how I look at my role. It is not up to me to soften hearts, change minds, or reconcile two people. It is my job to be gracious and patient and helpful in my own weak, limited way, and to trust the Lord’s hand with me. Offer myself to the Lord, and them, and trust that Jesus’ hands are bigger than Satan’s hands, and stronger.

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