Do what Jesus says… too radical???


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed.” (Luke 14:13-14)
As Jesus followers, we are called to march by the beat of a different drum.
The people we are to focus on are the weak, the outcasts and those who struggle.
We are to see them as God sees them, as much loved children who need grace.
And yet, lets be honest, are these the people we normally invite?
What if we took these words literally as Jesus followers?
What if we planned our weekly gatherings for people like this?
And if we made it a point to seek them out, invite them, and pick them up?
What if the message and fellowship time was all about blessing and serving them?
To have them over for lunch, or to drive them somewhere, or to help with groceries?
This would be radical… it sounds like something Jesus would do!!!
Do we want to be the kind of church that Jesus wants to use and bless?
What if the way Jesus wants to bless us is by doing exactly what he says here?
What if we actually made this verse a strategy for our church.
Help me out here, what do YOU think, would this be too radical?
Lord, this strategy for our church is so simple, so obvious… obeying what you said in order to be blessed. If this is from you, then may it resonate in other peoples’ hearts as well.


  1. Looking out for myself – being strategic so that I get the best, get the status, get the honour. Even in giving we can be strategic so that our giving has advantages for ourselves – some tax saving or a honour roll when our name is posted. Rather, I need to be loving my neighbour -a fellow image bearer of God – raising them and respecting them, honouring their needs – sharing without thinking about benefit for me. Help me Lord to have that mindset – that I don’t need to concern myself with my status, my honour – but my best honour is to represent you Lord Jesus – in genuine humility and love for others.

  2. Love God.
    Love neighbour.
    And my neighbour is – all those I meet and greet. God has blessed me and I need to be a blessing to others – sharing the love of God to all His children to those in the family and those not. Like my family, the in-laws and the out-laws – I need to share the love of God with them by my words and deeds.

    Lord, Make us instruments of your peace,
    Where there is hatred, let your love increase
    Lord, make us instruments of your peace,
    Walls of pride and prejudice shall cease
    When we are your instruments of peace.

    Where there is hatred, we will show his love
    Where there is injury, we will never judge
    Where there is striving, we will speak his peace
    To the millions crying for release,
    We will be his instruments of peace

    Lord, Make us instruments of your peace,
    Where there is hatred, let your love increase
    Lord, make us instruments of your peace,
    Walls of pride and prejudice shall cease
    When we are your instruments of peace.

    Where there is blindness, we will pray for sight
    where there is darkness, we will shine his light
    Where there is sadness, we will bear their grief
    To the millions crying for relief,
    We will be your instruments of peace.

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