Encouraged by his support


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Because the hand of the Lord my God was on me, I took courage.” (Ezra 7:28)
I saw a video of a young boy struggling to catch a large, heavy fish.
The boy was visibly upset, he was pleading with his dad for help.
Dad put his hands around his son’s and the boy smiled as he started reeling in.
By himself he couldn’t do it, but with his father’s hand on him, he took courage.
Ezra faced a daunting task, going to Israel to rebuild the temple from ruins.
Where would he get the money, the manpower, how could he succeed without help.
But then God’s hands – in the form of the king’s support – surround him.
An official letter, gold, silver and permission to take anyone who wanted to go.
Ezra sensed the Lord’s backing, and this gave him courage!
I can relate to doing something that seems too hard – even impossible – by myself.
But I have also seen signs of the Lord’s hands, and so I can be encouraged.
As Jesus followers committed to Jesus’ work, we can count in his support.
When he commissioned us, he also promised to be with us always, to the end!
Where is he leading you to serve, and are you finding courage in his hands?
Lord, help me to stay focused on your strength and not on my weakness. May I find courage in your hands around mine!


  1. Ezra was inspired and blessed by God on his mission. The King trusted him fully and Ezra taught him about the ‘great God’ – the King wanted to be blessed by this great God. In teaching him about God Ezra had to walk the talk. I found this interesting: “I was ashamed to ask the king for soldiers and horsemen to protect us from enemies on the road, because we had told the king, “The gracious hand of our God is on everyone who looks to him, but his great anger is against all who forsake him.”” Ezra knew that if he asked for security from the King – that would have been inconsistent and weak – reflect and lack of trust in God to protect him and his people – especially since they would be carrying many valuable items of God and silver. But Ezra didn’t presume God’s protection – he knew he should ask for it from God – so that God could respond and protect – to bless Ezra and his people. I too must bear witness to genuine and open trust (not blind careless trust) – but in humility asking God for his protection and care!

  2. God is with us. We can not keep silent but go forward in His name doing His will and He will provide. God gives His people strength if we will but obey. I need to go forward this day in that power in ll I do and say.

    1. God gives His people strength.
    If we believe in His way, He’s swift to repay
    All those who bear the burden of the day
    God gives His people strength.

    2. God gives His people hope
    If we but trust in His word, our prayers are always heard
    He warmly welcomes anyone who’s erred.
    God gives His people hope.

    3. God gives His people love
    If we but open wide our hearts, He’s sure to do His part
    He’s always the first to make a start.
    God gives His people love.

    4. God gives His people peace.
    When sorrow fills us to the brim, and courage grows dim
    He lays to rest our restlessness in Him.
    God gives His people peace.

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