July 14 — Acts 10:24-48

SCRIPTURE: Acts 10:24-48

This passage reveals the fulfillment of God’s plan from the beginning, to bless all nations (Genesis 12:1-3). God does not have favourites. He chose Israel as a means to an end, to bless all nations. The laws re. clean and unclean were not intended to separate people from each other, but to separate all people from sin. Peter learns that God’s grace is not tied to laws, ceremonies or symbols (not even baptism), since the Spirit works in these Gentile believers apart from them. As far as God is concerned, everyone is His child in need of grace (Romans 10:12-13).

Have our “theological systems” blinded us to the reality that God loves everyone, and that His plan is to extend His grace to all peoples and cultures, no matter how different they live, they think, they smell, they look, etc. The church is impoverished when it only reflects one nationality or culture. God’s plan is to gather all nations, and our calling (the root meaning of “election”) is to join Him in this task. God’s Spirit will bless the nations, whether we join Him or not. I need to make a conscious effort to join God in connecting with people outside of my cultural, religious circles, to discover that He is already at work there.

Lord, forgive me for getting wrapped up in my own closed community, my own close circle of family and friends. Thank You for these special people in my life, but help me to expand my circle to include all Your children. Grant me the opportunity to connect with new and different people today! Amen.

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