So many signs!

PLEASE READ THIS FIRST: Matthew 12:38-42

What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a sign!” (Matthew 12:39)
Jesus seems to be especially harsh in his words to these religious leaders.
A bit of context is helpful: they have already seen many many signs.
Jesus knows that they are looking how they can kill him (12:14-15).
Jesus knows that they think he is in league with the devil (12:24-25).
Theirs is not a sincere desire to know the truth, or to see a sign for proof.
He is challenging them by accusing them of unloving (wicked) and faithless (adulterous).
Even Jonah changed his mind, and the people of Nineveh, and the Queen of the South.
But their hearts and minds on so closed that they cannot see the many many signs.
Jesus is speaking loud and clear to penetrate the walls of their closed hearts and minds.
Jonah, Nineveh and the Queen of the South are symbols of hearts that change.
Whether by crisis (Jonah), challenge (Nineveh) or wisdom (Queen), they are impacted.
How do I respond to the many many ways Jesus is comforting, convicting or calling me?
Is my heart and mind open, or am I deep down closed to hearing or seeing him?
For myself I do not need more signs, I just need help in trusting and following them.
Lord, thank you for opening my heart and mind to you. Help me to trust, to repent and to follow your wisdom as you show me signs of your love every day!


  1. Like Hadley says and believes that nothing is coincidental. With eyes of faith, even dim ones, we can see how some people come into and act in our lives and are like ‘angels’ sent by God. We have to see it. Many people saw Jesus but they didn’t see the signs – the miracles – the teachings as from God. They were looking for visible demonstrations – yet they were there but they didn’t see. We do the same – if we think about it and if we look back – we can see the signs of God working in our lives. Lord continue to work in my life even if I don’t immediately see the signs, the evidence – yet I know you are. We like miraculous ones help us to see that is happening – how people come to believing in you – your death and resurrection as the final and complete sign from God – heaven touching earth and redeeming us to be children of God!

  2. Open eyes and an open heart are needed to see the signs of Jesus. The hearts of the religious leaders were hardened. Closed. I just need to do forward in His presence walking daily in His SonShine doing His will. The joy of the Lord God gives me strength to do that each day anew.

    When we walk with the Lord
    in the light of his Word,
    what a glory he sheds on our way!
    While we do his good will
    he abides with us still,
    and with all who will trust and obey.

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