A different kind of king!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Blessed is the king of Israel!” (John 12:13)
We do not live in a time when kings are appreciated, or wanted.
We prefer democracy, after centuries of failed monarchies and tyrannies.
But not even democracy is immune to the corruption of human nature.
Why do billions (over time) of non-Israelites still welcome this ‘king of Israel’?
Because he is different: a humble servant king, a king that is human, and yet not.
“Your king is coming, seated on a donkey’s colt.” (John 12:15)
Many kings send their subjects to die; this king dies for his subjects.
In Jesus we see God’s agenda of grace, mercy, love, hope, peace.
A God that cares, a leader that serves, isn’t this what we’re really looking for?
Imagine a world where terrorists did not kill people for their God.
Imagine a world where government did not sacrifice people for their own agenda.
Our world has been in trouble ever since we attempted to take the reins from God.
Now we need help, we need divine help, we need a Saviour!
“‘Hosanna!’ ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!’” (John 12:13)
Lord, it’s scary how messed up this world is. You have shown us that humility not power, mercy not money, grace not greed, are God’s answers to our problems. Thank you for being the King we need.


  1. “Look how the whole world has gone after him!” Followers of Jesus are still being watched and ‘spied’ on in this world today – in fact it matters how we understand who Jesus is. If he’s just a swear word – that’s ok with Satan, if he’s just a person who lived many years ago, if he’s just a holy man or holy prophet but not the Messiah – that’s okay too. In a sense the whole world is impacted by Jesus and who he is. But let’s go after him for the right reason: that he is the Messiah – the saviour of the world.

  2. “Only after Jesus was glorified did they realize that these things had been written about him and that these things had been done to him.” Hindsight is 20/20. Yet it is so helpful to us today who have not witnessed Jesus in the flesh – to see how scripture affirms scripture – in this case Zechariah’s prophecy hundreds of years prior. It is one of the joys I find of studying scripture and seeing how Jesus actions were prophesied so many years before – and especially his crucifixion – O Lord thank you for the gift of your written word and the ability and the freedom to be able to read and study it!

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