God welcomes my honest worship


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“The kind of worshipers the Father seeks.” (John 4:24)
This woman is debating Jesus about the right kind of worship – where and how.
Jesus shows how these things do not matter to God – what matters is the heart.
My translation says “in the Spirit and in truth”, but there is no the in the Greek.
In spirit and in truth, it seems to me, is in contrast to external forms of worship.
It is not dependent on a building, nor a worship style, but on its spiritual integrity.
Is my response to God from my heart, is it sincere, or is it just a hollow performance.
Behind this woman’s focus on right ‘worship’, Jesus reveals her spiritual condition.
He looks into the temple of her heart, and finds a convoluted worshipper.
Five husbands, and now living with a man… what is the story behind this?
How many of us come to church to ‘worship’, but our own hearts are convoluted.
God welcomes convoluted hearts, but they must be open, honest and sincere.
Whether in the bathroom or in St. Peter’s basilica, our prayers must be authentic.
In spirit and in truth – genuine and from the heart, honest and real – no pretending.
God loves it when messy people come in humble sincerity – this is what God seeks!
Lord, you know the condition of my temple, and the convoluted mess of my motives and desires. I offer this mess to you, humbly and sincerely, and ask you to renovate my life!


  1. “When true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and in truth” Lord help us be the kind of worshipers you seek! Help us confess when we fail and give us the strength to get back up again. Thank you for walking before us even though we cannot always see your plan!

    Lord you know our hearts and our minds and the works of our hands. Help us walk knowing we are held to your standard!

  2. “God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” I need to be honest before God otherwise my worship is just mouthing the words or I just go through actions of service and good deeds but meaningless. I can’t hide the bad thoughts and desires – instead I need to admit myself to God – to be genuine and truly contrite. Sometimes I wonder, God you must be tired of me – things go well for a time and then I fall again and ask for forgiveness – for helping me to counteract that which tempts me to thoughts that I know are impure! Create in me a new heart, O God and renew a right spirit within in me! Do it again and again I pray – pleased don’t get tired of me!

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