A noble me who can find?


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“A wife of noble character who can find?” (Proverbs 31:10)
I found it hard to read this section on the noble wife without squirming.
Here is a man wondering whether it is possible to find such a wife.
The job description sounds perfect, especially for a man sitting at the gates.
She basically does everything, and does it well.
Sure, who can find the perfect wife… but what about a perfect husband?
Where is the corresponding proverb about the noble husband?
I would like to see what he does all day while his wife is working.
For me these words apply to everyone – who can find a noble anyone?
A noble minister, a noble politician, a noble employer, a noble teacher?
But most importantly, am I applying them to myself?
Its fine for me to long for the perfect wife, but what about me as husband.
These qualities (apart from their cultural distinctives) ought to apply to all.
Don’t use these words to measure someone else, seek to be noble yourself.
“Let (my) works bring (me) praise at the city gate!” (31:31)
Lord, help me to spend less time worrying about whether others are being noble, and more time working on my own character. Help me to be a noble me!

One Comment

  1. Lord, there are so many people who are treated unfairly – who are robbed of their livelihood. Lord help me to “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.” I know that most of the time I don’t see it – I am ‘charmed’ away from it all. But like the final proverb: “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” Lord I live in gratitude for my salvation and in turn I want to make a difference – guide me to live not a ‘charmed’ life but instead to daily to live and be more like you Jesus – responding to the needs that come my way and speaking up for injustice. Help me even in retirement to be busy in your Kingdom work!

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