I am a child of God!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Surely this was a righteous man.” (Luke 23:47)
Were you surprised when you read these words, “a righteous man”?
I’ve always thought that this soldier said “the Son of God!”
In fact, this is what Matthew and Mark record (Matthew 27:54, Mark 15:39).
This is not a typo; in fact these words mean the same thing.
In historical theology, ‘Son of God’ was seen to mean that Jesus was divine.
But this was not the Jewish way of thinking; a ‘son of God’ was a righteous man.
Adam is described as “the son of God” (Luke 3:38), and he was not divine.
God created us as his children, sons and daughters “like God” in character.
Our sin turned us against God, and we became children of the Deceiver (John 8:44).
I’m not saying that Jesus is not divine; he is the Word of God made flesh.
But the title ‘Son of God’ means righteous one, the ‘Adam’ that pleases God!
As the righteous ‘Adam’, Jesus reclaims Adam’s throne and restores God’s kingdom.
All those who trust this ‘Adam’ and receive his Spirit are also restored.
Because he was a righteous man, we are righteous in him, restored as children of God!
Lord, I am not righteous. But you are, and in you I am welcomed as a son of God. By grace I reign with you, and God’s Spirit lives in me! I am a child of God!


  1. “…the sun stopped shining. And the curtain of the temple was torn in two. Jesus called out with a loud voice, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit”” The curtain that separated the Holiest of Holy place – where only the High Priest could enter once a year and only after proper sacrifices and rituals – the separation of God and man because of sin that began in the garden of Eden – is over – because Jesus finished the work – he died so we could live. The darkness was broken by light.

  2. The cross is life changing. Think of the thief or the centurion, the crowds, family members. We can watch from a distance but that also needs to be put into action by words and deeds. We too have become innocent like the thief. Coming to the cross I have life indeed. I too have become innocent by coming to the cross.

    Jesus keep me near the cross (Jesus keep me, Jesus keep me near the cross)
    There a precious fountain (There a fountain and it’s free)
    Free to all, a healing stream (and it’s free to all, it’s a healing stream)
    Flows from Calvary’s mountain (Calvary, and it flows from Calvary)

    In the cross, in the cross (oh, be my glory)
    Be my glory ever (glory ever, till my raptured soul)
    Till my raptured soul shall find (I’m gonna find it, gonna find rest beyond
    Rest beyond the river (gonna find it, I see it beyond the river)

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