Passionate pursuit!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“How often I have longed to gather your children… and you were not willing. ” (Luke 13:34)
Have you ever been deeply concerned for someone you love?
You desperately want to help them but you can’t because they don’t want help.
Their addicted to something or making harmful choices, yet refuse to change.
They are on a collision course with misery, but will not slow down.
Jesus wants to help us (God’s children), but we are not willing.
“I will keep on… I will reach my goal… I must press on…” (Luke 13:32-33)
Jesus is determined, no opposition from religious leaders or from Herod, will hold him back.
He will go all the way to suffering, and even death, to get us back.
He’s desperate, he’s frustrated, but he will not give up.
He feels that way for your loved one, and he feels that way for you and me.
It’s humbling to know he feels this way about me.
It’s encouraging to know he feels this way about my loved one.
Do I sense the ways he keeps on and presses on to bring my to his desired goal?
Can I trust that he us doing the same for that someone I love?
Lord, thank you for not giving up on me, and on _____. May we both sense your passionate pursuit, and may they especially find joy by be willing to receiving you love.


  1. Don’t like the message – kill the messenger! Am I like that? When I’m been corrected, rebuked – by whatever means – do I reflect and contemplate the message or do I ignore it – squelch it – excuse myself? I need to listen and reflect – is what is happening to me – something that is a message from God – helping me, correcting me – challenging me. The HS works to guide and bless me – help me Lord to not ignore but embrace the message. I need you every hour!

  2. Interesting that some Pharisees came and told Him about Herod’s desire. Yet the task of Christ was not finished and His will needs to be done. Inspite of the opposition Christ moves forward doing His Father’s will. I must do the same and He will protect if I but trust and obey. Today also, I need to go forward in His name and power doing His will.

    They that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength;
    They will mount up with wings like eagles.
    They will run and not grow weary;
    They will walk and not faint.
    Teach me, Lord; teach me, Lord, to wait.

    Teach me, Lord, to wait down on my knees
    Till in your own good time you answer my pleas.
    Teach me not to rely on what others do
    But to wait in prayer for the answer from you.

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