Dec 26 — Joshua 1:1-9

SCRIPTURE: Joshua 1:1-9

1. A frightening moment for Joshua, the torch is being passed to him, he must follow in the footsteps of the greatest leader the clan of Jacob has ever known.
2. His assignment is conquest, to lead a ragtag army into an occupied, well-defended land.
3. The key to success, says God, is trust and obedience, follow His instructions and be assured He will make them successful.
4. God has a mission for Joshua, and He will help him, if he stays focused on God, His will, His plan, and boldly moves forward.

1. God is still unfolding His kingdom plan, though we are in a different stage of the plan.
2. We are now disciples of Jesus, and our conquest of the world is not by weapons but by words and deeds of love and mercy.
3. Jesus (Greek version of Hebrew Joshua) is to lead a ragtag army into an occupied, well-defended world.
4. God has a mission for us, and He will help us, if we stay focused on God, His will, His plan, and boldly move forward.
5. The place where I live is the promised land for me, I will see results if I move forward, doing the work of a disciple, wherever I set my feet.

Lord, You have a mission for me, though I am probably more like Israel wandering in the wilderness… lost, uncertain, distracted. Remind me of my purpose, and where You are calling me to go. Amen.

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