Dec 22 — Luke 2:1-7

Welcome to Jill Hamming, a friend of mine from Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, and a regular participant on this web page. She will share her reflections on the readings from Luke 1-2.

SCRIPTURE: Luke 2:1-7

The journey to Bethlehem and Jesus’ birth take only one paragraph to tell. I want to know so many things. Why did Mary go with Joseph if they weren’t married yet? Was he protecting her? Was she estranged from her family? Were there any women to help Mary with the birth? How long was she in labor? Who cut the cord? Was Joseph a good helper? How did they keep things clean? Did Mary wrap Jesus in cloths torn from her own garments?

Today I wrapped a doll in a light blue cloth and placed it in a ‘manger like’ stone planter, outside. When I picked up the doll to rearrange it, the fabric was dirty already. I thought about Mary and Jesus. How did she manage?

Wasn’t this a strange way for Jesus to come into the world? So humble. Could he have been born in a more lowly position?

Yet God chose Mary for this job. She loved the Lord and was obedient. So was Joseph. God chose the circumstances also. What better way for Jesus to show Himself as a servant, than to come to earth this way? Not proudly like the King He is, but humbly. If He can choose such simplicity and poverty, what about us?

Do I have to be a famous writer or speaker to serve Him? Do I have to be ‘noticed’? Can I not simply serve and do the things He puts in front of me to do?

Lord Jesus, Thank-you that You came to us. Thank-you that You loved us so much. Did You know Your omniscience when You were a baby? I want to be Your servant. I want to be humble. Please forgive me for wanting to be ‘noticed’. I praise You. Amen.

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