Oct 31 — Acts 23:12-22

SCRIPTURE: Acts 23:12-22

Paul’s big adventure continues! He is imprisoned again after being rescued by the commander for a third time.

Those Jews are determined to be rid of Paul! They form a conspiracy to kill him. God arranges it so that the commander can find out and protect Paul. Paul already knows he is to testify in Jerusalem so he can trust God to work save him from this death threat.

If you want to know more about Paul’s amazing adventure…. read on in Acts and the rest of the N.T.

We have hindsight into Paul’s life. We know that he loved and trusted God -that whatever happened was up to God. Paul was willing to die. He came close many times before he did die. He suffered a lot.

If we were Paul would we think we were in God’s will? Would we think it was too much –that God had abandoned us?

What about the turns of our life? Can we learn to trust Him about us?

Oh Lord, You are awesome! I give myself wholeheartedly to You. You can do with as You want with my life. Please enable me to have confidence in You like Paul did. Thank-you, Amen


    One thing that stands out to me is that Paul does not simply pray – no doubt he was praying – but he also uses his nephew to bring a message to the commander. Sometimes Christ-followers can “super-spiritualize” day to day affairs, and not use their own resources and common sense, within the circumstances that God provides. We do not RELY on our efforts, but we work alongside of God, doing what we can, and trusting that God is at work in, through and around us.

    In my own situation, I also hear people say, “we just need to pray”. Yes we do, with boldness and confidence. But we also need to do what we can, from our own vantage point, and trust that God will work in, through and around (even despite) us. We are partners with God, co-workers in the kingdom. God does not work for us, He works with us.

    Lord, help me to pray and work, to work and pray, without ceasing, confident in Your good purpose in, through and around me. Forgive me when I do not pray enough, forgive me when I do not work enough. Amen.

  2. Eyes they have but do not see. Ears they have but do not hear. They are caught up in their own ways and not the Lord’s ways. The religious leaders were on the road of self destruction trying to make the lie the truth. Help me daily Lord to travel the road of Light and right, following Your ways and not my ways. Give me the eyes that I may see JESUS in all of my doings today. Help me in my stand as I work this day in Your kingdom. Help me to work beside all others who are doing the same – working in Your kingdom according to Your will. Not my way Lord, but Your will be done.

    Have Thine own way, Lord! Have Thine own way!
    Thou art the Potter, I am the clay.
    Mold me and make me after Thy will,
    While I am waiting, yielded and still.

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